C++ |
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "CppClient.h"
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#include <atlbase.h>
#include <ATLComTime.h>
#import "Venice\Bin\ClSdk.dll"
using namespace std;
using namespace ClSdk;
int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[])
OleInitialize (NULL);
// These are not 'real' pointers, but 'smart' pointers, looking as pointers but acting as objects, so do not use 'delete'!
IVenicePtr pVenice;
IDossierPtr pDossier;
IYearPtr pYear;
IPurchPtr pPurch;
ISupplPtr pSuppl;
eAccessMode eAM;
// Create the Venice object interface
// Is option 'Access Management' installed?
eAM = pVenice->GetAccessMode ();
// Logon into Venice, allowing user interface
if (eAM == amSecure)
pVenice->LogonSecure ("13.40_", "MyApplication", lngNld, true, "ClSdkUser", "ClSdkPassword");
pVenice->Logon ("13.40_", "MyApplication", lngNld, true, "SDK", "ClSdkUser", "Software engineer");
// Create Dossier Context, use the default filing cabinet 'Data' and the dossier 'MyCompany'
pDossier = pVenice->CreateDossierContext("", "MyCompany");
// Create Year Context
pYear = pDossier->CreateYearContext (2025);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This example creates a purchase invoice document with analytical information. Adding Intrastat
// details is also listed but commented out.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create context for purchase documents
pPurch = pYear->CreatePurch (true);
// Create context for suppliers
pSuppl = pDossier->CreateSuppl (false);
// Prepare the creation of a new Purchase document.
pPurch->PrepareDocument (paInsert);
// Initialize with default values.
pPurch->Init ();
// In order to obtain a valid purchase document header, the following properties must be assigned a value:
// Supplier number, Document type (invoice by default), Book, Book date, Document date, Total amount and Currency, at least one of the VAT bases and at least one of the VAT amounts.
// This does not imply however that these properties need to be set in code, they can also be assigned via the standard values.
// Note: A document number is not required. If it is set to 0, a new successive number for the given book will be assigned automatically.
// Note: While those are the only properties that are required to be filled in, other properties may require a value for the document to pass the internal validation checks.
// These are the same validation checks that are applied when manually entering a document in Venice.
pPurch->pSupNum = 376;
pPurch->pSupSubNum = 0;
pPurch->pDocType = prcInvoice; // or prcCreditnote, prcTransfer
pPurch->pBook = "FAC";
pPurch->pDocNum = 0; // 0 = Automatically determine the document number
pPurch->pBookDate = COleDateTime (2025, 8, 23, 0, 0, 0).m_dt;
pPurch->pDocDate = COleDateTime (2025, 8, 14, 0, 0, 0).m_dt;
pPurch->pExpDate = COleDateTime (2025, 9, 14, 0, 0, 0).m_dt;
pPurch->pTotalDocC = -4598.00; // Negative for purchase invoices and transfers. Positive for creditnotes.
pPurch->pCurrency = "EUR";
pPurch->pRemark = "Insurance 01/09/2025 - 31/08/2026";
// Assign (at least) one of the VAT bases: this value is negative for purchase invoices and transfers, positive for creditnotes.
// Note: pPurch->pBaseNormalDocC cannot be set directly, it is calculated when calling WriteDocument(). You need to set one of it's component values:
pPurch->pNormalDetail1DocC = 0.00; // at 0% VAT
pPurch->pNormalDetail2DocC = 0.00; // at 6% VAT
pPurch->pNormalDetail3DocC = 0.00; // at 12% VAT
pPurch->pNormalDetail4DocC = -3800.00; // at 21% VAT
pPurch->pNormalDetail5DocC = 0.00; // currently unused in Belgium
pPurch->pNormalDetail6DocC = 0.00; // currently unused in Belgium
pPurch->pBaseCoPartRealDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseCoPartOtherDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseIcGoodsDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseIcAssmDistDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseIcServicesDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseImportDisplDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseImportOtherDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseNonDeductVatDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseForeignVatDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseFinDiscountDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pBaseNotSubmitDocC = 0.00;
// Assign (at least) one of the VAT amounts: this value is negative for purchase invoices and transfers, positive for creditnotes.
pPurch->pVatDedInvNormDocC = -798.00;
pPurch->pVatDueInvCoPartDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pVatDueInvIcDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pVatDueInvDispDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pVatDueCreNormDocC = 0.00;
pPurch->pVatDedCreNormDocC = 0.00;
// Manually entering a document in Venice provides a number of automatic assignments. These do not get applied when creating a document via the SDK.
// The following code performs those assignments:
if (pSuppl->SeekBySupNum (smEqual, pPurch->pSupNum, pPurch->pSupSubNum))
pPurch->pClass = pSuppl->pClass;
pPurch->pStatCode = pSuppl->pStat;
pPurch->pVatCode = pSuppl->pStandardVat;
pPurch->pFinDiscount = pSuppl->pFinDiscount;
// Add your code here for assigning additional properties of the document header.
// pPurch->Xxx = yyy;
// Create detail lines and analytical information for each detail line.
pPurch->InsertDetail (0, 2500.00, 0.00, 0.00, "6105", "Fire Insurance, Policy Nr. WN0036241.647", "");
// Analytical details for centre (only when desired and when the option 'Analytical' is installed)
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (0, 0, aetCent, 2500.00 * 60/100, 0.00, 60, 0.00, "Assembly", "Insurance", "", "");
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (0, 1, aetCent, 2500.00 * 20/100, 0.00, 20, 0.00, "Office", "Insurance", "", "");
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (0, 2, aetCent, 2500.00 * 20/100, 0.00, 20, 0.00, "Storage", "Insurance", "", "");
// Analytical details for unit
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (0, 0, aetUnit, 2500.00 * 15/100, 0.00, 15, 0.00, "Admin", "Insurance", "", "");
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (0, 1, aetUnit, 2500.00 * 85/100, 0.00, 85, 0.00, "Production", "Insurance", "", "");
pPurch->InsertDetail(1, 1300.00, 0.00, 0.00, "6105", "Casualty Insurance, Policy Nr. WN0036241.409", "");
// Analytical details for centre
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (1, 0, aetCent, 1300.00 * 50/100, 0.00, 50, 0.00, "Assembly", "Insurance", "", "");
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (1, 1, aetCent, 1300.00 * 10/100, 0.00, 10, 0.00, "Office", "Insurance", "", "");
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (1, 2, aetCent, 1300.00 * 25/100, 0.00, 25, 0.00, "Storage", "Insurance", "", "");
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (1, 3, aetCent, 1300.00 * 15/100, 0.00, 15, 0.00, "Parking", "Insurance", "", "");
// Analytical details for unit
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (1, 0, aetUnit, 1300.00 * 10/100, 0.00, 10, 0.00, "Admin", "Insurance", "", "");
pPurch->InsertAnaDetail (1, 1, aetUnit, 1300.00 * 90/100, 0.00, 90, 0.00, "Production", "Insurance", "", "");
// If you have the option Intrastat, you can also add Intrastat details. In order to do this, there must be an IC relation between the company and the supplier
// (= They must have enterprise numbers from differing countries in the European Community).
//pPurch->InsertItrDetail (0, 2500.00, 0.00, 0.00, spArrival, ntrNormal_Bussiness, reFlanders, trRoad, dcFCA, "85203219", "FR", "");
//pPurch->InsertItrDetail (1, 1300.00, 0.00, 0.00, spArrival, ntrNormal_Bussiness, reFlanders, trRoad, dcFCA, "85203219", "FR", "");
// Enable payment information (if the option 'Payments' is installed)
pPurch->pAutoPay = true;
pPurch->SetPayInfo (4598.00, 0.00, ccNone, true, "", "Insurance 01/09/2025 - 31/08/2026", "", "", "", "", "");
// Write (or cancel) the document
pPurch->WriteDocument (rmErrorReport);
// If you do not use WriteDocument() because you do not want to save the document (maybe because of an error) you should call CancelDocument() instead.
catch (_com_error CE)
printf ("\nError while executing application.\nReason: %s\nSource: %s", (LPCSTR)CE.Description (), (LPCSTR)CE.Source ());
// All objects must be out of scope (or destroyed) before calling OleUninitialize ()!
OleUninitialize ();
C# |
using System;
using ClSdk;
namespace Example
class Example
static void Main(string[] args)
eAccessMode eAM;
// Create the Venice object
Venice oVenice = new Venice();
// Is option 'Access Management' installed?
eAM = oVenice.GetAccessMode ();
// Logon into Venice, allowing user interface
if (eAM == eAccessMode.amSecure)
oVenice.LogonSecure ("13.40_", "MyApplication", eLanguage.lngNld, true, "ClSdkUser", "ClSdkPassword");
oVenice.Logon ("13.40_", "MyApplication", eLanguage.lngNld, true, "SDK", "ClSdkUser", "Software engineer");
// Create Dossier Context, use the default filing cabinet 'Data' and the dossier 'MyCompany'
Dossier oDossier = oVenice.CreateDossierContext ("", "MyCompany");
// Create Year Context
Year oYear = oDossier.CreateYearContext (0);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This example creates a purchase invoice document with analytical information. Adding Intrastat
// details is also listed but commented out.
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Create context for purchase documents
Purch oPurch = oYear.CreatePurch (true);
// Create context for suppliers
Suppl oSuppl = oDossier.CreateSuppl (false);
// Prepare the creation of a new Purchase document.
oPurch.PrepareDocument (ePrepareAction.paInsert);
// Initialize with default values.
oPurch.Init ();
// In order to obtain a valid purchase document header, the following properties must be assigned a value:
// Supplier number, Document type (invoice by default), Book, Book date, Document date, Total amount and Currency, at least one of the VAT bases and at least one of the VAT amounts.
// This does not imply however that these properties need to be set in code, they can also be assigned via the standard values.
// Note: A document number is not required. If it is set to 0, a new successive number for the given book will be assigned automatically.
// Note: While those are the only properties that are required to be filled in, other properties may require a value for the document to pass the internal validation checks.
// These are the same validation checks that are applied when manually entering a document in Venice.
oPurch.pSupNum = 376;
oPurch.pSupSubNum = 0;
oPurch.pDocType = ePurchaseDocType.prcInvoice; // or prcCreditnote, prcTransfer
oPurch.pBook = "FAC";
oPurch.pDocNum = 0; // 0 = Automatically determine the document number
oPurch.pBookDate = new DateTime (2025, 8, 23);
oPurch.pDocDate = new DateTime (2025, 8, 14);
oPurch.pExpDate = new DateTime (2025, 9, 14);
oPurch.pTotalDocC = -4598.00; // Negative for purchase invoices and transfers. Positive for creditnotes.
oPurch.pCurrency = "EUR";
oPurch.pRemark = "Insurance 01/09/2025 - 31/08/2026";
// Assign (at least) one of the VAT bases: this value is negative for purchase invoices and transfers, positive for creditnotes.
// Note: oPurch.pBaseNormalDocC cannot be set directly, it is calculated when calling WriteDocument(). You need to set one of it's component values:
oPurch.pNormalDetail1DocC = 0.00; // at 0% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail2DocC = 0.00; // at 6% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail3DocC = 0.00; // at 12% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail4DocC = -3800.00; // at 21% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail5DocC = 0.00; // currently unused in Belgium
oPurch.pNormalDetail6DocC = 0.00; // currently unused in Belgium
oPurch.pBaseCoPartRealDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseCoPartOtherDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseIcGoodsDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseIcAssmDistDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseIcServicesDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseImportDisplDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseImportOtherDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseNonDeductVatDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseForeignVatDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseFinDiscountDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pBaseNotSubmitDocC = 0.00;
// Assign (at least) one of the VAT amounts: this value is negative for purchase invoices and transfers, positive for creditnotes.
oPurch.pVatDedInvNormDocC = -798.00;
oPurch.pVatDueInvCoPartDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pVatDueInvIcDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pVatDueInvDispDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pVatDueCreNormDocC = 0.00;
oPurch.pVatDedCreNormDocC = 0.00;
// Manually entering a document in Venice provides a number of automatic assignments. These do not get applied when creating a document via the SDK.
// The following code performs those assignments:
if (oSuppl.SeekBySupNum (eSeekMode.smEqual, (int)oPurch.pSupNum, (int)oPurch.pSupSubNum))
oPurch.pClass = oSuppl.pClass;
oPurch.pStatCode = oSuppl.pStat;
oPurch.pVatCode = oSuppl.pStandardVat;
oPurch.pFinDiscount = oSuppl.pFinDiscount;
// Add your code here for assigning additional properties of the document header.
// oPurch.Xxx = yyy;
// Create detail lines and analytical information for each detail line.
oPurch.InsertDetail (0, 2500.00, 0.00, 0.00, "6105", "Fire Insurance, Policy Nr. WN0036241.647", "");
// Analytical details for centre (only when desired and when the option 'Analytical' is installed)
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (0, 0, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 2500.00 * 60/100, 0.00, 60, 0.00, "Assembly", "Insurance", "", "");
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (0, 1, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 2500.00 * 20/100, 0.00, 20, 0.00, "Office", "Insurance", "", "");
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (0, 2, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 2500.00 * 20/100, 0.00, 20, 0.00, "Storage", "Insurance", "", "");
// Analytical details for unit
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (0, 0, eAnaEntType.aetUnit, 2500.00 * 15/100, 0.00, 15, 0.00, "Admin", "Insurance", "", "");
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (0, 1, eAnaEntType.aetUnit, 2500.00 * 85/100, 0.00, 85, 0.00, "Production", "Insurance", "", "");
oPurch.InsertDetail(1, 1300.00, 0.00, 0.00, "6105", "Casualty Insurance, Policy Nr. WN0036241.409", "");
// Analytical details for centre
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (1, 0, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 1300.00 * 50/100, 0.00, 50, 0.00, "Assembly", "Insurance", "", "");
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (1, 1, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 1300.00 * 10/100, 0.00, 10, 0.00, "Office", "Insurance", "", "");
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (1, 2, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 1300.00 * 25/100, 0.00, 25, 0.00, "Storage", "Insurance", "", "");
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (1, 3, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 1300.00 * 15/100, 0.00, 15, 0.00, "Parking", "Insurance", "", "");
// Analytical details for unit
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (1, 0, eAnaEntType.aetUnit, 1300.00 * 10/100, 0.00, 10, 0.00, "Admin", "Insurance", "", "");
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail (1, 1, eAnaEntType.aetUnit, 1300.00 * 90/100, 0.00, 90, 0.00, "Production", "Insurance", "", "");
// If you have the option Intrastat, you can also add Intrastat details. In order to do this, there must be an IC relation between the company and the supplier
// (= They must have enterprise numbers from differing countries in the European Community).
//oPurch.InsertItrDetail (0, 2500.00, 0.00, 0.00, eStatProc.spArrival, eNatTrans.ntrNormal_Bussiness, eRegion.reFlanders, eTransport.trRoad, eDelivCond.dcFCA, "85203219", "FR", "");
//oPurch.InsertItrDetail (1, 1300.00, 0.00, 0.00, eStatProc.spArrival, eNatTrans.ntrNormal_Bussiness, eRegion.reFlanders, eTransport.trRoad, eDelivCond.dcFCA, "85203219", "FR", "");
// Enable payment information (if the option 'Payments' is installed)
oPurch.pAutoPay = true;
oPurch.SetPayInfo (4598.00, 0.00, eCircCheque.ccNone, true, "", "Insurance 01/09/2025 - 31/08/2026", "", "", "", "", "");
// Write (or cancel) the document
oPurch.WriteDocument (eReportMode.rmErrorReport);
// If you do not use WriteDocument() because you do not want to save the document (maybe because of an error) you should call CancelDocument() instead.
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine ("Error while executing application.\nReason:" + ex.Message + "\nSource: " + ex.Source);
Const amMin = -1
Const amNormal = 0
Const amSecure = 1
Const amMax = 2
Const lngMin = 0
Const lngNld = 0
Const lngFra = 1
Const lngEngNld = 2
Const lngEngFra = 3
Const lngAuto = 4
Const lngMax = 5
Const paMin = 0
Const paInsert = 0
Const paDuplicate = 1
Const paUpdate = 2
Const paView = 3
Const paMax = 4
Const rmMin = 0
Const rmNoReport = 0
Const rmErrorReport = 1
Const rmFullReport = 2
Const rmMax = 3
Const smMin = 0
Const smFirst = 0
Const smLess = 1
Const smLessOrEqual = 2
Const smEqual = 3
Const smGreaterOrEqual = 4
Const smGreater = 5
Const smLast = 6
Const smMax = 7
Const prcMin = 0
Const prcInvoice = 0
Const prcCreditnote = 1
Const prcTransfer = 2
Const prcMax = 3
Const aetMin = 0
Const aetCent = 0
Const aetUnit = 1
Const aetMax = 2
Const ccMin = 0
Const ccNone = 0
Const ccConstituent = 1
Const ccBeneficiary = 2
Const ccMax = 3
Const spArrival = 19
Const spDispatch = 29
Const ntrMin = 1
Const ntrNormal = 1
Const ntrReturn = 2
Const ntrFree = 3
Const ntrPreProc = 4
Const ntrPostProc = 5
Const ntrRepair = 6
Const ntrDefence = 7
Const ntrBuilding = 8
Const ntrOther = 9
Const ntrNormal_Bussiness = 11
Const ntrNormal_Consumer = 12
Const ntrReturn_Goods = 21
Const ntrReturn_Replace = 22
Const ntrReturn_NonReturn = 23
Const ntrFree_Warehouse = 31
Const ntrFree_Trial = 32
Const ntrFree_Leasing = 33
Const ntrFree_Free = 34
Const ntrPreProc_Return = 41
Const ntrPreProc_NoReturn = 42
Const ntrPostProc_Return = 51
Const ntrPostProc_NoReturn = 52
Const ntrRepair_Repair = 60
Const ntrClearance_Release = 71
Const ntrClearance_OtherMember = 72
Const ntrBuilding_Building = 80
Const ntrOther_Other24Month = 91
Const ntrOther_Other = 99
Const ntrMax = 100
Const reMin = 1
Const reFlanders = 1
Const reWallonia = 2
Const reBrussels = 3
Const reMax = 4
Const trMin = 1
Const trSea = 1
Const trTrack = 2
Const trRoad = 3
Const trAir = 4
Const trPost = 5
Const trUnused = 6
Const trFixed = 7
Const trRiver = 8
Const trOwn = 9
Const trMax = 10
Const dcMin = 0
Const dcEXW = 0
Const dcFCA = 1
Const dcFAS = 2
Const dcFOB = 3
Const dcCFR = 4
Const dcCIF = 5
Const dcCPT = 6
Const dcCIP = 7
Const dcDAF = 8
Const dcDES = 9
Const dcDEQ = 10
Const dcDDU = 11
Const dcDDP = 12
Const dcXXX = 13
Const dcMax = 14
' Call main
sub Main
Dim oVenice
Dim oDossier
Dim oYear
Dim oPurch
Dim oSuppl
' Create Venice object
Set oVenice = CreateObject("Clsdk.Venice")
' Dummy code to activate Intellisense
If False Then
Set oDossier = CreateObject("ClSdk.Dossier")
Set oYear = CreateObject("ClSdk.Year")
Set oPurch = CreateObject("ClSdk.Purch")
Set oSuppl = CreateObject("ClSdk.Suppl")
End If
' Login
If oVenice.GetAccessMode() = amSecure Then
Call oVenice.LogonSecure("13.40_", "MyApplication", lngNld, true, "ClSdkUser", "ClSdkPassword")
Call oVenice.Logon("13.40_", "MyApplication", lngNld, true, "SDK", "ClSdkUser", "Software engineer")
End If
' Create Dossier Context, using the default filing cabinet 'Data' and the dossier 'MyCompany'
Set oDossier = oVenice.CreateDossierContext("", "MyCompany")
' Create Year Context
Set oYear = oDossier.CreateYearContext(2025)
' This example creates a purchase invoice document with analytical information. Adding Intrastat
' details is also listed but commented out.
' Create context for purchase documents
Set oPurch = oYear.CreatePurch(true)
' Create context for suppliers
Set oSuppl = oDossier.CreateSuppl(false)
' Prepare the creation of a new Purchase document.
Call oPurch.PrepareDocument(paInsert)
' Initialize with default values.
Call oPurch.Init()
' In order to obtain a valid purchase document header, the following properties must be assigned a value:
' Supplier number, Document type (invoice by default), Book, Book date, Document date, Total amount and Currency, at least one of the VAT bases and at least one of the VAT amounts.
' This does not imply however that these properties need to be set in code, they can also be assigned via the standard values.
' Note: A document number is not required. If it is set to 0, a new successive number for the given book will be assigned automatically.
' Note: While those are the only properties that are required to be filled in, other properties may require a value for the document to pass the internal validation checks.
' These are the same validation checks that are applied when manually entering a document in Venice.
oPurch.pSupNum = 376
oPurch.pSupSubNum = 0
oPurch.pDocType = prcInvoice ' or prcCreditnote, prcTransfer
oPurch.pBook = "FAC"
oPurch.pDocNum = 0 ' 0 = Automatically determine the document number
oPurch.pBookDate = #8/23/2025#
oPurch.pDocDate = #8/14/2025#
oPurch.pExpDate = #9/14/2025#
oPurch.pTotalDocC = -4598.00 ' Negative for purchase invoices and transfers. Positive for creditnotes.
oPurch.pCurrency = "EUR"
oPurch.pRemark = "Insurance 01/09/2025 - 31/08/2026"
' Assign (at least) one of the VAT bases: this value is negative for purchase invoices and transfers, positive for creditnotes.
' Note: oPurch.pBaseNormalDocC cannot be set directly, it is calculated when calling WriteDocument(). You need to set one of it's component values:
oPurch.pNormalDetail1DocC = 0 ' at 0% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail2DocC = 0 ' at 6% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail3DocC = 0 ' at 12% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail4DocC = -3800.00 ' at 21% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail5DocC = 0 ' currently unused in Belgium
oPurch.pNormalDetail6DocC = 0 ' currently unused in Belgium
oPurch.pBaseCoPartRealDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseCoPartOtherDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseIcGoodsDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseIcAssmDistDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseIcServicesDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseImportDisplDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseImportOtherDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseNonDeductVatDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseForeignVatDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseFinDiscountDocC = 0
oPurch.pBaseNotSubmitDocC = 0
' Assign (at least) one of the VAT amounts: this value is negative for purchase invoices and transfers, positive for creditnotes.
oPurch.pVatDedInvNormDocC = -798.00
oPurch.pVatDueInvCoPartDocC = 0
oPurch.pVatDueInvIcDocC = 0
oPurch.pVatDueInvDispDocC = 0
oPurch.pVatDueCreNormDocC = 0
oPurch.pVatDedCreNormDocC = 0
' Manually entering a document in Venice provides a number of automatic assignments. These do not get applied when creating a document via the SDK.
' The following code performs those assignments:
If oSuppl.SeekBySupNum(smEqual, oPurch.pSupNum, oPurch.pSupSubNum) Then
oPurch.pClass = oSuppl.pClass
oPurch.pStatCode = oSuppl.pStat
oPurch.pVatCode = oSuppl.pStandardVat
oPurch.pFinDiscount = oSuppl.pFinDiscount
End If
' Add your code here for assigning additional properties of the document header.
' oPurch.Xxx = yyy
' Create detail lines and analytical information for each detail line.
Call oPurch.InsertDetail(0, 2500.00, 0.00, 0.00, "6105", "Fire Insurance, Policy Nr. WN0036241.647", "")
' Analytical details for centre (only when desired and when the option 'Analytical' is installed)
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 0, aetCent, 2500.00 * 60/100, 0.0, 60, 0.0, "Assembly", "Insurance", "", "")
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 1, aetCent, 2500.00 * 20/100, 0.0, 20, 0.0, "Office", "Insurance", "", "")
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 2, aetCent, 2500.00 * 20/100, 0.0, 20, 0.0, "Storage", "Insurance", "", "")
' Analytical details for unit
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 0, aetUnit, 2500.00 * 15/100, 0.0, 15, 0.0, "Admin", "Insurance", "", "")
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 1, aetUnit, 2500.00 * 85/100, 0.0, 85, 0.0, "Production", "Insurance", "", "")
Call oPurch.InsertDetail(1, 1300.00, 0.00, 0.00, "6105", "Casualty Insurance, Policy Nr. WN0036241.409", "")
' Analytical details for centre
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 0, aetCent, 1300.00 * 50/100, 0.0, 50, 0.0, "Assembly", "Insurance", "", "")
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 1, aetCent, 1300.00 * 10/100, 0.0, 10, 0.0, "Office", "Insurance", "", "")
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 2, aetCent, 1300.00 * 25/100, 0.0, 25, 0.0, "Storage", "Insurance", "", "")
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 3, aetCent, 1300.00 * 15/100, 0.0, 15, 0.0, "Parking", "Insurance", "", "")
' Analytical details for unit
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 0, aetUnit, 1300.00 * 10/100, 0.0, 10, 0.0, "Admin", "Insurance", "", "")
Call oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 1, aetUnit, 1300.00 * 90/100, 0.0, 90, 0.0, "Production", "Insurance", "", "")
' If you have the option Intrastat, you can also add Intrastat details. In order to do this, there must be an IC relation between the company and the supplier
' (= They must have enterprise numbers from differing countries in the European Community).
'Call oPurch.InsertItrDetail(0, 2500.00, 0.0, 0.0, spArrival, ntrNormal_Bussiness, reFlanders, trRoad, dcFCA, "85203219", "FR", "")
'Call oPurch.InsertItrDetail(1, 1300.00, 0.0, 0.0, spArrival, ntrNormal_Bussiness, reFlanders, trRoad, dcFCA, "85203219", "FR", "")
' Enable payment information (if the option 'Payments' is installed)
oPurch.pAutoPay = true
Call oPurch.SetPayInfo(4598.00, 0.0, ccNone, true, "", "Insurance 01/09/2025 - 31/08/2026", "", "", "", "", "")
' Write (or cancel) the document
Call oPurch.WriteDocument(rmErrorReport)
' If you do not use WriteDocument() because you do not want to save the document (maybe because of an error) you should call CancelDocument() instead.
' Error
end sub
Imports ClSdk
Module Example
Sub Main()
Dim oVenice As Venice
Dim oDossier As Dossier
Dim oYear As Year
Dim oPurch As Purch
Dim oSuppl As Suppl
Dim eAM As eAccessMode
' Create the Venice object
oVenice = New Venice
' Is option 'Access Management' installed?
eAM = oVenice.GetAccessMode()
' Logon into Venice, allowing user interface
If eAM = eAccessMode.amSecure Then
oVenice.LogonSecure("13.40_", "MyApplication", eLanguage.lngNld, True, "ClSdkUser", "ClSdkPassword")
oVenice.Logon("13.40_", "MyApplication", eLanguage.lngNld, True, "SDK", "ClSdkUser", "Software engineer")
End If
' Create Dossier Context, use the default filing cabinet 'Data' and the dossier 'MyCompany'
oDossier = oVenice.CreateDossierContext("", "MyCompany")
' Create Year Context
oYear = oDossier.CreateYearContext(2025)
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' This example creates a purchase invoice document with analytical information. Adding Intrastat
' details is also listed but commented out.
' ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Create context for purchase documents
oPurch = oYear.CreatePurch(True)
' Create context for suppliers
oSuppl = oDossier.CreateSuppl(False)
' Prepare the creation of a new Purchase document.
' Initialize with default values.
' In order to obtain a valid purchase document header, the following properties must be assigned a value:
' Supplier number, Document type (invoice by default), Book, Book date, Document date, Total amount and Currency, at least one of the VAT bases and at least one of the VAT amounts.
' This does not imply however that these properties need to be set in code, they can also be assigned via the standard values.
' Note: A document number is not required. If it is set to 0, a new successive number for the given book will be assigned automatically.
' Note: While those are the only properties that are required to be filled in, other properties may require a value for the document to pass the internal validation checks.
' These are the same validation checks that are applied when manually entering a document in Venice.
oPurch.pSupNum = 376
oPurch.pSupSubNum = 0
oPurch.pDocType = ePurchaseDocType.prcInvoice ' or prcCreditnote, prcTransfer
oPurch.pBook = "FAC"
oPurch.pDocNum = 0 ' 0 = Automatically determine the document number
oPurch.pBookDate = New DateTime(2025, 8, 23)
oPurch.pDocDate = New DateTime(2025, 8, 14)
oPurch.pExpDate = New DateTime(2025, 9, 14)
oPurch.pTotalDocC = -4598.0 ' Negative for purchase invoices and transfers. Positive for creditnotes.
oPurch.pCurrency = "EUR"
oPurch.pRemark = "Insurance 01/09/2025 - 31/08/2026"
' Assign (at least) one of the VAT bases: this value is negative for purchase invoices and transfers, positive for creditnotes.
' Note: oPurch.pBaseNormalDocC cannot be set directly, it is calculated when calling WriteDocument(). You need to set one of it's component values:
oPurch.pNormalDetail1DocC = 0.0 ' at 0% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail2DocC = 0.0 ' at 6% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail3DocC = 0.0 ' at 12% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail4DocC = -3800.0 ' at 21% VAT
oPurch.pNormalDetail5DocC = 0.0 ' currently unused in Belgium
oPurch.pNormalDetail6DocC = 0.0 ' currently unused in Belgium
oPurch.pBaseCoPartRealDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseCoPartOtherDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseIcGoodsDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseIcAssmDistDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseIcServicesDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseImportDisplDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseImportOtherDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseNonDeductVatDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseForeignVatDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseFinDiscountDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pBaseNotSubmitDocC = 0.0
' Assign (at least) one of the VAT amounts: this value is negative for purchase invoices and transfers, positive for creditnotes.
oPurch.pVatDedInvNormDocC = -798.0
oPurch.pVatDueInvCoPartDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pVatDueInvIcDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pVatDueInvDispDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pVatDueCreNormDocC = 0.0
oPurch.pVatDedCreNormDocC = 0.0
' Manually entering a document in Venice provides a number of automatic assignments. These do not get applied when creating a document via the SDK.
' The following code performs those assignments:
If oSuppl.SeekBySupNum(eSeekMode.smEqual, oPurch.pSupNum, oPurch.pSupSubNum) Then
oPurch.pClass = oSuppl.pClass
oPurch.pStatCode = oSuppl.pStat
oPurch.pVatCode = oSuppl.pStandardVat
oPurch.pFinDiscount = oSuppl.pFinDiscount
End If
' Add your code here for assigning additional properties of the document header.
' oPurch.Xxx = yyy
' Create detail lines and analytical information for each detail line.
oPurch.InsertDetail(0, 2500.0, 0.0, 0.0, "6105", "Fire Insurance, Policy Nr. WN0036241.647", "")
' Analytical details for centre (only when desired and when the option 'Analytical' is installed)
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 0, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 2500.0 * 60 / 100, 0.0, 60, 0.0, "Assembly", "Insurance", "", "")
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 1, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 2500.0 * 20 / 100, 0.0, 20, 0.0, "Office", "Insurance", "", "")
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 2, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 2500.0 * 20 / 100, 0.0, 20, 0.0, "Storage", "Insurance", "", "")
' Analytical details for unit
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 0, eAnaEntType.aetUnit, 2500.0 * 15 / 100, 0.0, 15, 0.0, "Admin", "Insurance", "", "")
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(0, 1, eAnaEntType.aetUnit, 2500.0 * 85 / 100, 0.0, 85, 0.0, "Production", "Insurance", "", "")
oPurch.InsertDetail(1, 1300.0, 0.0, 0.0, "6105", "Casualty Insurance, Policy Nr. WN0036241.409", "")
' Analytical details for centre
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 0, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 1300.0 * 50 / 100, 0.0, 50, 0.0, "Assembly", "Insurance", "", "")
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 1, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 1300.0 * 10 / 100, 0.0, 10, 0.0, "Office", "Insurance", "", "")
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 2, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 1300.0 * 25 / 100, 0.0, 25, 0.0, "Storage", "Insurance", "", "")
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 3, eAnaEntType.aetCent, 1300.0 * 15 / 100, 0.0, 15, 0.0, "Parking", "Insurance", "", "")
' Analytical details for unit
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 0, eAnaEntType.aetUnit, 1300.0 * 10 / 100, 0.0, 10, 0.0, "Admin", "Insurance", "", "")
oPurch.InsertAnaDetail(1, 1, eAnaEntType.aetUnit, 1300.0 * 90 / 100, 0.0, 90, 0.0, "Production", "Insurance", "", "")
' If you have the option Intrastat, you can also add Intrastat details. In order to do this, there must be an IC relation between the company and the supplier
' (= They must have enterprise numbers from differing countries in the European Community).
'oPurch.InsertItrDetail(0, 2500.0, 0.0, 0.0, eStatProc.spArrival, eNatTrans.ntrNormal_Bussiness, eRegion.reFlanders, eTransport.trRoad, eDelivCond.dcFCA, "85203219", "FR", "")
'oPurch.InsertItrDetail(1, 1300.0, 0.0, 0.0, eStatProc.spArrival, eNatTrans.ntrNormal_Bussiness, eRegion.reFlanders, eTransport.trRoad, eDelivCond.dcFCA, "85203219", "FR", "")
' Enable payment information (if the option 'Payments' is installed)
oPurch.pAutoPay = True
oPurch.SetPayInfo(4598.0, 0.0, eCircCheque.ccNone, True, "", "Insurance 01/09/2025 - 31/08/2026", "", "", "", "", "")
' Write (or cancel) the document
' If you do not use WriteDocument() because you do not want to save the document (maybe because of an error) you should call CancelDocument() instead.
Catch ex As Exception
Console.WriteLine("Error while executing application." + vbCrLf + "Reason:" + ex.Message + vbCrLf + "Source: " + ex.Source)
End Try
End Sub
End Module