Seeks a commercial agreement price and/or discount for the Article. |
VARIANT_BOOL SeekPriceAndDiscount ( VARIANT_BOOL bSales, BSTR bsNumber, BSTR bsCurrency, BSTR bsDetRemark, DOUBLE dQuantity, DOUBLE dVatRate, DOUBLE dRate, BYTE byDecimals, DATE dDate, LONG lCstSupNum, LONG lCstSupSubNum, VARIANT* pvPrice, VARIANT* pvDiscount ) |
Parameters | bSales | [in] True if you want to use commercial sales agreements to seek a price/discount, false for using commercial purchase agreements. | bsNumber | [in] The number of the article of which you want to know a price/discount or blank if you want to use the last known article number. | bsCurrency | [in] The currency in which you want the price/discount to be expressed. | bsDetRemark | [in] The remark of the detail line on which the article is used. | dQuantity | [in] The quantity for which you want to know the price/discount. This quantity should be expressed in sales units if the parameter bSales is true otherwise in purchase units. | dVatRate | [in] The VAT rate to which the article is submitted, 0.0 if you want to know the price/discount VAT exclusive. | dRate | [in] The rate of the given currency in relation to the dossier currency. | byDecimals | [in] The number of decimals that should be used to round the price/discount. | dDate | [in] The date on which the price/discount should be valid. | lCstSupNum | [in] If the parameter bSales is true the number of the customer, otherwise the number of the supplier for who you want to know the price/discount. | lCstSupSubNum | [in] If the parameter bSales is true the subnumber of the customer, otherwise the subnumber of the supplier for who you want to know the price/discount. | pvPrice | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype DOUBLE, containing the found price VAT inclusive. | pvDiscount | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype DOUBLE, containing the found discount. | | Return value |
True if a price and/or a discount were found, otherwise false. |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
// Seek a price/discount (in Euro) for the article 'Art_001' for a quantity of 150.0, submitted to a VAT rate of 21.0%, for the customer with number 25/0.
VARIANT vPrice, vDiscount;
if (pArtcl->SeekPriceAndDiscount (VARIANT_TRUE, "Art_001", "EUR", "", 150.0, 21.0, 1.0, 2, COleDateTime (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).m_dt, 25, 0, &vPrice, &vDiscount))
// Process price and/or discount
C# |
// Seek a price/discount (in Euro) for the article 'Art_001' for a quantity of 150.0, submitted to a VAT rate of 21.0%, for the customer with number 25/0.
object oPrice, oDiscount;
if (oArtcl.SeekPriceAndDiscount (true, "Art_001", "EUR", "", 150.0, 21.0, 1.0, 2, new DateTime (), 25, 0, out oPrice, out oDiscount))
// Process price and/or discount
' Seek a price/discount (in Euro) for the article 'Art_001' for a quantity of 150.0, submitted to a VAT rate of 21.0%, for the customer with number 25/0.
Dim oPrice, oDiscount
Dim dtDate
If oArtcl.SeekPriceAndDiscount(True, "Art_001", "EUR", "", 150.0, 21.0, 1.0, 2, dtDate, 25, 0, oPrice, oDiscount) Then
' Process price and/or discount
End If
' Seek a price/discount (in Euro) for the article 'Art_001' for a quantity of 150.0, submitted to a VAT rate of 21.0%, for the customer with number 25/0.
Dim oPrice, oDiscount As Object
Dim dtDate As Date
If oArtcl.SeekPriceAndDiscount(True, "Art_001", "EUR", "", 150.0, 21.0, 1.0, 2, dtDate, 25, 0, oPrice, oDiscount) Then
' Process price and/or discount
End If