using System;
using ClSdk;
namespace SdkExample
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Venice oVenice = null;
Dossier oDossier = null;
Year oYear = null;
Custm oCustm = null;
Sales oSales = null;
Balan oBalan = null;
eAccessMode eAM;
object oPer0, oPer1, oPer2, oPer3, oPer4, oRem;
double dValue;
int iSysNum;
string sValue, sStreet, sPostal, sCity;
// Create the Venice object interface
oVenice = new Venice();
// Is option 'Access Management' installed?
eAM = oVenice.GetAccessMode ();
// Logon into Venice, allowing user interface - script written for version 10.00_
if (eAM == eAccessMode.amSecure)
oVenice.LogonSecure ("10.00_", "MyApplication", eLanguage.lngNld, true, "ClSdkUser", "ClSdkPassword");
oVenice.Logon ("10.00_", "MyApplication", eLanguage.lngNld, true, "SDK", "ClSdkUser", "Software engineer");
// Get some Venice properties
Console.WriteLine ("Venice user: " + oVenice.vUserName + "\nWindows user: " + oVenice.vWindowsUser);
// Create DossierContext, use the default filing cabinet 'Data' and the dossier 'MyCompany'
oDossier = oVenice.CreateDossierContext ("", "MyCompany");
// Get some Dossier properties
Console.WriteLine ("Full path name: " + oDossier.vPath + "\nLast financial year: " + oDossier.vLastYear);
// Create YearContext - 0 = last year
oYear = oDossier.CreateYearContext (0);
// Create a customer object - CanChange = true
oCustm = oDossier.CreateCustm (true);
// Seek a customer in Brugge
if (oCustm.SeekByPostal (eSeekMode.smEqual, "8000"))
// Show customer found
oCustm.View ();
// Get some Customer properties
sStreet = oCustm.pStreet.ToString ();
sPostal = oCustm.pPostalCode.ToString ();
sCity = oCustm.pCity.ToString ();
// Change some Customer properties
oCustm.pStreet = "SDK Street";
oCustm.pPostalCode = 1234;
oCustm.pCity = "SDK Town";
// And update the Customer Card
oCustm.Update (eUpdateMode.umFullReport);
// Show the result
oCustm.View ();
// Restore original values with alternative way of setting a property
oCustm.SetFieldVal (eCustmFld.cusfStreet, sStreet);
oCustm.SetFieldVal (eCustmFld.cusfPostalCode, sPostal);
oCustm.SetFieldVal (eCustmFld.cusfCity, sCity);
// And update the Customer Card again
oCustm.Update (eUpdateMode.umFullReport);
// Verify if the update succeeded, using the string version of GetField
if (sPostal != oCustm.GetFieldStr (eCustmFld.cusfPostalCode))
Console.WriteLine ("Update failed!");
Console.WriteLine ("No customer found in Brugge.");
// Now select a Customer using the browse list
iSysNum = oCustm.Browse (false);
// iSysNum != 0 means a customer was selected in the browse
if (iSysNum != 0)
// Seek the selected record
if (oCustm.SeekBySysNum (eSeekMode.smEqual, iSysNum))
// and update it in a dialog
oCustm.Update (eUpdateMode.umDialog);
// Get the balance of the current Customer
dValue = oCustm.GetBalance (0);
// If a balance was returned, get the expired amounts
if (dValue != 0.0)
dValue = oCustm.GetExpired (0, out oPer0, out oPer1, out oPer2, out oPer3, out oPer4, out oRem);
// If there are open documents in period 2 or higher, show the documents
if ((double)oPer2 + (double)oPer3 + (double)oPer4 != 0.0)
iSysNum = oCustm.BrowseDocuments ((int)oCustm.pNumber);
// iSysNum != 0 means a document was selected
if (iSysNum != 0)
// Create Sales Object - CanChange = false
oSales = oYear.CreateSales (false);
// Seek the selected document
if (oSales.SeekBySysNum (eSeekMode.smEqual, iSysNum))
oSales.View (); // and show it
// We are interested in the turnover, so create a Balance object - CanChange = false
oBalan = oYear.CreateBalan (false);
// Get the balance for all accounts starting with '70' for the complete financial year
dValue = oBalan.GetBalance ("70*", 0);
// Show the result
Console.WriteLine ("Total turnover: " + dValue);
// Get the last Customer in the file - the parameter is redundant
if (oCustm.SeekBySysNum (eSeekMode.smLast, 0))
// Remember system number of last Customer
iSysNum = (int)oCustm.pSysNum;
// Import some new Customers
oCustm.ImportDialog ();
// Enumerate the newly imported Customers
if (oCustm.SeekBySysNum (eSeekMode.smGreater, iSysNum))
sValue = "";
// Until not EOF
while (oCustm.GetDBStatus () == 0)
sValue += oCustm.pName.ToString () + "\n";
// Seek the next customer (with a greater system number)
oCustm.GetNext ();
Console.WriteLine (sValue);
// Done, delete the customer
// oCustm.Delete (eDeleteMode.dmFullReport);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine ("Error while executing application.\nReason:" + ex.Message + "\nSource: " + ex.Source);
// Explicitly release COM objects
if (oBalan != null)
if (oSales != null)
if (oYear != null)
if (oCustm != null)
if (oDossier != null)
if (oVenice != null)