Finds the last financial year that contains the given date. |
SHORT FindFinancialYear ( DATE dDate ) |
Parameters | dDate | [in] The date of which you want to know the financial year. | | Return value |
A SHORT containing the financial year if the given date is part of one, otherwise 0. | | Remarks |
 | If a given date is part of 2 financial years that overlap, the oldest financial year is returned. |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
// Find the financial year of the date '04/05/2025'
short sYear = pDossier->FindFinancialYear (COleDateTime (2025, 5, 4, 0, 0, 0).m_dt);
C# |
// Find the financial year of the date '04/05/2025'
short sYear = oDossier.FindFinancialYear (new DateTime (2025, 5, 4));
' Find the financial year of the date '04/05/2025'
Dim sYear
sYear = oDossier.FindFinancialYear(#5/4/2025#)
' Find the financial year of the date '04/05/2025'
Dim sYear As Short
sYear = oDossier.FindFinancialYear(#5/4/2025#)