Gets an array of active options in the current dossier. |
VARIANT GetOptions () |
Return value |
A VARIANT, subtype SafeArray of VARIANTs, subtype BSTRING containing a list of all active options in the current dossier. | | Remarks |
 | Overview of the possible options: |
Option |
Description |
General |
Tls |
Tools |
Imp |
Import |
Itr |
Intrastat |
Ana |
Analytical |
Wkg |
Workgroup |
Fid |
Fiduciary |
Axs |
Access management |
Edo |
eDocuments |
Yra |
Annual accounts |
Accounting |
Acc |
Accounting |
Pay |
Payments |
Fis |
Fiscal representation |
Mas |
Material assets management |
Con |
Consolidation |
Sdd |
SEPA Direct Debit |
Invoicing |
Inv |
Invoicing |
Tax |
Special regulations |
Sls |
Sales management |
Prc |
Purchase management |
Stk |
Stock management |
Srl |
Serial numbers |
Cmp |
Compound articles |
Contact management |
Ctc |
Contact management |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
// Get all active options of the current dossier
COleVariant vOptions = pDossier->GetOptions ();
if (vOptions.vt & VT_ARRAY) // Check if the array is empty
COleSafeArray saOptions (vOptions); // Construct a Safe Array from the VARIANT
VARIANT vOption;
long lUB, lInd;
saOptions.GetUBound (1, &lUB); // Get the upper bound of the array
for (lInd = 0; lInd <= lUB; lInd++)
saOptions.GetElement (&lInd, &vOption);
// Process vOption
C# |
// Get all active options of the current dossier
Array aOptions = (Array)oDossier.GetOptions ();
if (aOptions != null)
foreach (Object oOption in aOptions)
// Process oOption
Dim vOptions, vOption
' Get all active options of the current dossier
vOptions = oDossier.GetOptions()
If Not IsEmpty(vOptions) Then
For Each vOption In vOptions
' Process vOption
End If
Dim oOptions, oOption As Object
' Get all active options of the current dossier
oOptions = oDossier.GetOptions()
If Not IsNothing(oOptions) Then
For Each oOption In oOptions
' Process oOption
End If