Inserts a new extended accounting detail in the document. |
void InsertDetail2 ( SHORT sIndex, DOUBLE dAmountDocC, DOUBLE dQuantity, DOUBLE dValue1, BSTR bsAccount, BSTR bsRemark, BSTR bsText1, DOUBLE dAmountDetC, BSTR bsDetC, LONG lTickSysNum, VARIANT_BOOL bInterCompany, BSTR bsCutOffAccount, DATE dteCutOffStart, DATE dteCutOffEnd ) |
Parameters | sIndex | [in] The index of the detail, starting from 0. | dAmountDocC | [in] The amount (in document currency) of the detail. | dQuantity | [in] The quantity of the detail. | dValue1 | [in] The free value of the detail. | bsAccount | [in] The account number of the detail. | bsRemark | [in] The remark of the detail. | bsText1 | [in] The free text of the detail. | dAmountDetC | [in] The amount (in detail currency) of the detail. | bsDetC | [in] The currency of the detail. | lTickSysNum | [in] The system number of the detail that is ticked by this line, 0 if nothing is ticked. | bInterCompany | [in] The inter-company flag of the detail. | bsCutOffAccount | [in] The cut off account number of the detail. | dteCutOffStart | [in] The cut off start date of the detail. | dteCutOffEnd | [in] The cut off end date of the detail. | | Remarks |
 | The parameter sIndex can have the value -1. In this case the new detail is inserted after the existing details. |
 | If sIndex refers to an existing index, the new detail is inserted at this index and all following details are moved to the next index. |
 | To find a valid system number for the parameter lTickSysNum, you can use the Entry object (e.g. SeekByDocNum). |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
// Insert a new text line before the first manual detail of the current document
short sManualIndex;
pSndry->PrepareDocument (paUpdate);
sManualIndex = pSndry->GetManualIndex ();
if (sManualIndex != -1)
pSndry->InsertDetail2 (sManualIndex, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "", "Inserted via SDK", "", 0.0, "", 0, VARIANT_FALSE, "", COleDateTime (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).m_dt, COleDateTime (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).m_dt);
pSndry->WriteDocument (rmFullReport);
pSndry->CancelDocument ();
C# |
// Insert a new text line before the first manual detail of the current document
short sManualIndex;
oSndry.PrepareDocument (ePrepareAction.paUpdate);
sManualIndex = oSndry.GetManualIndex ();
if (sManualIndex != -1)
oSndry.InsertDetail2 (sManualIndex, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "", "Inserted via SDK", "", 0.0, "", 0, false, "", new DateTime (), new DateTime ());
oSndry.WriteDocument (eReportMode.rmFullReport);
oSndry.CancelDocument ();
' Insert a new text line before the first manual detail of the current document
Dim sManualIndex
Dim dtDate
Call oSndry.PrepareDocument(paUpdate)
sManualIndex = oSndry.GetManualIndex()
If sManualIndex <> -1 Then
Call oSndry.InsertDetail2(sManualIndex, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "", "Inserted via SDK", "", 0.0, "", 0, False, "", dtDate, dtDate)
Call oSndry.WriteDocument(rmFullReport)
Call oSndry.CancelDocument ()
End If
' Insert a new text line before the first manual detail of the current document
Dim sManualIndex As Short
Dim dtDate As Date
sManualIndex = oSndry.GetManualIndex()
If sManualIndex <> -1 Then
oSndry.InsertDetail2(sManualIndex, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, "", "Inserted via SDK", "", 0.0, "", 0, False, "", dtDate, dtDate)
End If