StockInfo::GetNextChange (Interface: StockInfo)
Positions on the next record of the stock changes file (initialized with GetFirst).
VARIANT_BOOL GetNextChange ()
Return value
True if a following record is available, otherwise False.
See Also
// Get all the stock changes for the item 'In stock' for article 'Art_001' in all warehouses, on all locations and for all serial numbers, without partitions and in chronological order.
VARIANT vTotalQnt;
if (pStockInfo->GetFirstChange (sitStock, "Art_001", NULL, NULL, NULL, VARIANT_FALSE, VARIANT_TRUE, &vTotalQnt))
    // Process data of the first record
    while (pStockInfo->GetNextChange ())
        // Process data of this record

// Get all the stock changes for the item 'In stock' for article 'Art_001' in all warehouses, on all locations and for all serial numbers, without partitions and in chronological order.
object oWarehouse = null, oLocation = null, oSerialNumber = null, oTotalQnt;
if (oStockInfo.GetFirstChange (eStockInfoType.sitStock, "Art_001", oWarehouse, oLocation, oSerialNumber, false, true, out oTotalQnt))
    // Process data of the first record
    while (oStockInfo.GetNextChange ())
        // Process data of this record

' Get all the stock changes for the item 'In stock' for article 'Art_001' in all warehouses, on all locations and for all serial numbers, without partitions and in chronological order.
Dim oWarehouse, oLocation, oSerialNumber, oTotalQnt
If oStockInfo.GetFirstChange(sitStock, "Art_001", oWarehouse, oLocation, oSerialNumber, False, True, oTotalQnt) Then
    ' Process data of the first record
    While oStockInfo.GetNextChange()
        ' Process data of this record
End If

' Get all the stock changes for the item 'In stock' for article 'Art_001' in all warehouses, on all locations and for all serial numbers, without partitions and in chronological order.
Dim oWarehouse, oLocation, oSerialNumber, oTotalQnt As Object
If oStockInfo.GetFirstChange(eStockInfoType.sitStock, "Art_001", oWarehouse, oLocation, oSerialNumber, False, True, oTotalQnt) Then
    ' Process data of the first record
    While oStockInfo.GetNextChange()
        ' Process data of this record
    End While
End If