Visual Basic Script example
The following topics are available:
the actual example
Remark: This example doesn't contain any business logic, it is just meant to show the possibilities and syntax of the SDK.
debugging your script
  ' VBS doesn't recognize enumerations, therefore (or at least the enumerations you want to use in your application) must be included (located in SDK directory under the Venice root).
Const errMin = -1610350592
Const errDataInvalid = -1610350592
Const errInsertFailed = -1610350591
Const errInsertNotAllowed = -1610350590
Const errCannotChange = -1610350589
Const errUpdateFailed = -1610350588
Const errUpdateNotAllowed = -1610350587
Const errRecordLocked = -1610350586
Const errDeleteFailed = -1610350585
Const errDeleteNotAllowed = -1610350584
Const errOptionLimit = -1610350583
Const errConflict = -1610350582
Const errPermission = -1610350581
Const errDBError = -1610350580
Const errNoComInterface = -1610350579
Const errNoComObject = -1610350578
Const errIncompDataVer = -1610350577
Const errHighVerRequired = -1610350576
Const errInvalidLocale = -1610350575
Const errBadContext = -1610350574
Const errMaxProcesses = -1610350573
Const errUnUsed0 = -1610350572
Const errUnUsed1 = -1610350571
Const errUndefined = -1610350570
Const errNoUserDir = -1610350569
Const errVenVerTooHigh = -1610350568
Const errNoAutoLogon = -1610350567
Const errWrongUser = -1610350566
Const errWrongLogonMode = -1610350565
Const errMultipleLogon = -1610350564
Const errLogoffNotSupported = -1610350563
Const errLogoffWithoutLogon = -1610350562
Const errInvalParams = -1610350561
Const errInitProcess = -1610350560
Const errDataDirLock = -1610350559
Const errNotLoggedOn = -1610350558
Const errIniBlanc = -1610350557
Const errIniBadChar = -1610350556
Const errWrongFieldID = -1610350555
Const errWrongFieldName = -1610350554
Const errMissingOpt = -1610350553
Const errNoRightsToCreate = -1610350552
Const errNoUserInterface = -1610350551
Const errDossNotAllowed = -1610350550
Const errDossIsAway = -1610350549
Const errInvalidPosition = -1610350548
Const errInvalidCommonIni = -1610350547
Const errRegInvalid = -1610350546
Const errRegExpired = -1610350545
Const errImportNotAllowed = -1610350544
Const errImportFailed = -1610350543
Const errNoFinancialYear = -1610350542
Const errBalanceNotAllowed = -1610350541
Const errMethodNotSupported = -1610350540
Const errTooManyObjects = -1610350539
Const errInvalidDate = -1610350538
Const errInvalidTime = -1610350537
Const errNotAllowedInService = -1610350536
Const errAsServiceNotSupported = -1610350535
Const errInitFailed = -1610350534
Const errInvalRootSysVer = -1610350533
Const errSysVerDiff = -1610350532
Const errInvalidIndex = -1610350531
Const errDBNotLoaded = -1610350530
Const errReadOnlyField = -1610350529
Const errWrongDataType = -1610350528
Const errRootSysIniNof = -1610350527
Const errRegAppFailed = -1610350526
Const errInvalObjName = -1610350525
Const errEnumOutOfRange = -1610350524
Const errPrepareDone = -1610350523
Const errNoPrepare = -1610350522
Const errIndexOutOfRange = -1610350521
Const errAnaNotActive = -1610350520
Const errAnaNoDistr = -1610350519
Const errItrNotActive = -1610350518
Const errEntryTicked = -1610350517
Const errVatOutOfOrder = -1610350516
Const errInvalidVatGroup = -1610350515
Const errStkNotActive = -1610350514
Const errSrlNotActive = -1610350513
Const errEntryTransferred = -1610350512
Const errPayNotActive = -1610350511
Const errDocPrepared = -1610350510
Const errPrepareView = -1610350509
Const errTryPrepareDocument = -1610350508
Const errLkpNoBlank = -1610350507
Const errSyncNotActif = -1610350506
Const errAccNotActive = -1610350505
Const errUnknown = -1610350504
Const errNoInterfaceAsService = -1610350503
Const errInvalidFilter = -1610350502
Const errNotFromVen = -1610350501
Const errInvalidCabinet = -1610350500
Const errDiffVenice = -1610350499
Const errGlobalTickNotAllowed = -1610350498
Const errInvalArg = -1610350497
Const errSupNotFound = -1610350496
Const errHasTickInfo = -1610350495
Const errStkSrlNotActive = -1610350494
Const errStkNoDistr = -1610350493
Const errNoExpandSet = -1610350492
Const errEntPropNotFound = -1610350491
Const errArtNumEmpty = -1610350490
Const errNoGetFirst = -1610350489
Const errNoCancelDocument = -1610350488
Const errSlsNotActive = -1610350487
Const errPrcNotActive = -1610350486
Const errCmpNotActive = -1610350485
Const errNoGetFirstChange = -1610350484
Const errInsufRights = -1610350483
Const errImpNotActive = -1610350482
Const errPreparePartsDone = -1610350481
Const errNoPrepareParts = -1610350480
Const errPreparePartsView = -1610350479
Const errModifyPartsNotAllowed = -1610350478
Const errWrongCompoundStatus = -1610350477
Const errIPropNotFound = -1610350476
Const errExclAlreadySet = -1610350475
Const errExclNotSet = -1610350474
Const errAxsNotActive = -1610350473
Const errUserNotAnAdmin = -1610350472
Const errDelNotFound = -1610350471
Const errOnlyDialogInsert = -1610350470
Const errCstNotFound = -1610350469
Const errCstDetached = -1610350468
Const errCstHasLink = -1610350467
Const errCstHasNoLink = -1610350466
Const errPrepareProjectDone = -1610350465
Const errNoPrepareProject = -1610350464
Const errPrepareProjectView = -1610350463
Const errModifyDetailsNotAllowed = -1610350462
Const errWrongParamType = -1610350461
Const errNoTemplateCode = -1610350460
Const errTemplateCodeSet = -1610350459
Const errTemplateCodeWrong = -1610350458
Const errInvNotActive = -1610350457
Const errTransferNotActive = -1610350456
Const errTransferAlready = -1610350455
Const errTransferPaymentAmount = -1610350454
Const errTransferNoConcept = -1610350453
Const errTransferRights = -1610350452
Const errTransferGroupLimit = -1610350451
Const errTransferAslGenerate = -1610350450
Const errTransferSihRefInvalid = -1610350449
Const errMax = -1610350448

Const amMin = -1
Const amNormal = 0
Const amSecure = 1
Const amMax = 2

Const imMin = 0
Const imNoReport = 0
Const imErrorReport = 1
Const imFullReport = 2
Const imDialog = 3
Const imDialogFromData = 4
Const imMax = 5

Const umMin = 0
Const umNoReport = 0
Const umErrorReport = 1
Const umFullReport = 2
Const umDialog = 3
Const umMax = 4

Const dmMin = 0
Const dmNoReport = 0
Const dmFullReport = 1
Const dmTestOnly = 2
Const dmMax = 3

Const paMin = 0
Const paInsert = 0
Const paDuplicate = 1
Const paUpdate = 2
Const paView = 3
Const paMax = 4

Const rmMin = 0
Const rmNoReport = 0
Const rmErrorReport = 1
Const rmFullReport = 2
Const rmMax = 3

Const smMin = 0
Const smFirst = 0
Const smLess = 1
Const smLessOrEqual = 2
Const smEqual = 3
Const smGreaterOrEqual = 4
Const smGreater = 5
Const smLast = 6
Const smMax = 7

Const tmMin = 0
Const tmBegin = 0
Const tmCommit = 1
Const tmRollBack = 2
Const tmMax = 3

Const btMin = 0
Const btNone = 0
Const btPurch = 1
Const btSales = 2
Const btFinan = 3
Const btSndry = 4
Const btMax = 5

Const ttMin = 0
Const ttCustm = 0
Const ttSuppl = 1
Const ttFinan = 2
Const ttOther = 3
Const ttGeneral = 4
Const ttMax = 5

Const tsMin = 0
Const tsNone = 0
Const tsPartial = 1
Const tsComplete = 2
Const tsMax = 3

Const aetMin = 0
Const aetCent = 0
Const aetUnit = 1
Const aetMax = 2

Const aaMin = 0
Const aaRun = 0
Const aaAdd = 1
Const aaModify = 2
Const aaDelete = 3
Const aaImport = 4
Const aaDialog = 5
Const aaBrowse = 6
Const aaParams = 7
Const aaDefault = 8
Const aaConsult = 9
Const aaPrint = 10
Const aaColumn = 11
Const aaSelect = 12
Const aaSpecial = 13
Const aaTemplate = 14
Const aaMax = 15

Const fbMin = 0
Const fbDeposit = 0
Const fbBank = 1
Const fbPostalCheque = 2
Const fbCash = 3
Const fbMax = 4

Const buMin = 0
Const buNotUsed = 0
Const buLow = 1
Const buMedium = 2
Const buHigh = 3
Const buMax = 4

Const lngMin = 0
Const lngNld = 0
Const lngFra = 1
Const lngEngNld = 2
Const lngEngFra = 3
Const lngAuto = 4
Const lngMax = 5

Const spArrival = 19
Const spDispatch = 29

Const ntrMin = 1
Const ntrNormal = 1
Const ntrReturn = 2
Const ntrFree = 3
Const ntrPreProc = 4
Const ntrPostProc = 5
Const ntrRepair = 6
Const ntrDefence = 7
Const ntrBuilding = 8
Const ntrOther = 9
Const ntrNormal_Bussiness = 11
Const ntrNormal_Consumer = 12
Const ntrReturn_Goods = 21
Const ntrReturn_Replace = 22
Const ntrReturn_NonReturn = 23
Const ntrFree_Warehouse = 31
Const ntrFree_Trial = 32
Const ntrFree_Leasing = 33
Const ntrFree_Free = 34
Const ntrPreProc_Return = 41
Const ntrPreProc_NoReturn = 42
Const ntrPostProc_Return = 51
Const ntrPostProc_NoReturn = 52
Const ntrRepair_Repair = 60
Const ntrClearance_Release = 71
Const ntrClearance_OtherMember = 72
Const ntrBuilding_Building = 80
Const ntrOther_Other24Month = 91
Const ntrOther_Other = 99
Const ntrMax = 100

Const reMin = 1
Const reFlanders = 1
Const reWallonia = 2
Const reBrussels = 3
Const reMax = 4

Const trMin = 1
Const trSea = 1
Const trTrack = 2
Const trRoad = 3
Const trAir = 4
Const trPost = 5
Const trUnused = 6
Const trFixed = 7
Const trRiver = 8
Const trOwn = 9
Const trMax = 10

Const dcMin = 0
Const dcEXW = 0
Const dcFCA = 1
Const dcFAS = 2
Const dcFOB = 3
Const dcCFR = 4
Const dcCIF = 5
Const dcCPT = 6
Const dcCIP = 7
Const dcDAF = 8
Const dcDES = 9
Const dcDEQ = 10
Const dcDDU = 11
Const dcDDP = 12
Const dcXXX = 13
Const dcDAT = 14
Const dcDAP = 15
Const dcMax = 16

Const ltCstAlias = 1000
Const ltCstGroup = 1001
Const ltCstClass = 1002
Const ltCstAddressForm = 1003
Const ltCstPolitePhrase = 1004
Const ltCstRepresentative = 1005
Const ltCstStat = 1006
Const ltCstText1 = 1007
Const ltCstText2 = 1008
Const ltCstText3 = 1009
Const ltCstText4 = 1010
Const ltSupAlias = 1011
Const ltSupGroup = 1012
Const ltSupClass = 1013
Const ltSupAddressForm = 1014
Const ltSupPolitePhrase = 1015
Const ltSupStat = 1016
Const ltSupText1 = 1017
Const ltSupText2 = 1018
Const ltSupText3 = 1019
Const ltSupText4 = 1020
Const ltFbkAddressForm = 1021
Const ltFbkPolitePhrase = 1022
Const ltFbkText1 = 1023
Const ltFbkText2 = 1024
Const ltFbkText3 = 1025
Const ltFbkText4 = 1026
Const ltAccAlias = 1027
Const ltAccText1 = 1028
Const ltAccText2 = 1029
Const ltAccText3 = 1030
Const ltAccText4 = 1031
Const ltEntText = 1032
Const ltAprText1 = 1033
Const ltAprText2 = 1034
Const ltAprText3 = 1035
Const ltAprText4 = 1036
Const ltAslText1 = 1037
Const ltAslText2 = 1038
Const ltAslText3 = 1039
Const ltAslText4 = 1040
Const ltFinText1 = 1041
Const ltFinText2 = 1042
Const ltFinText3 = 1043
Const ltFinText4 = 1044
Const ltSndText1 = 1045
Const ltSndText2 = 1046
Const ltSndText3 = 1047
Const ltSndText4 = 1048
Const ltItrBook = 1049
Const ltAphText1 = 1050
Const ltAphText2 = 1051
Const ltAphText3 = 1052
Const ltAphText4 = 1053
Const ltPpxGroupCode = 1054
Const ltAacText1 = 1055
Const ltAacText2 = 1056
Const ltAacText3 = 1057
Const ltAacText4 = 1058
Const ltAnhText1 = 1059
Const ltAnhText2 = 1060
Const ltAnhText3 = 1061
Const ltAnhText4 = 1062
Const ltAenText = 1063
Const ltCstTextExtra1 = 1064
Const ltCstTextExtra2 = 1065
Const ltCstTextExtra3 = 1066
Const ltCstTextExtra4 = 1067
Const ltUsrText1 = 5000
Const ltUsrText2 = 5001
Const ltUsrText3 = 5002
Const ltUsrText4 = 5003
Const ltUGpText1 = 5004
Const ltUGpText2 = 5005
Const ltUGpText3 = 5006
Const ltUGpText4 = 5007
Const ltRtdText1 = 6000
Const ltRtdText2 = 6001
Const ltRtdText3 = 6002
Const ltRtdText4 = 6003
Const ltCmtLink1 = 6004
Const ltCmtLink2 = 6005
Const ltMcrText1 = 12000
Const ltMcrText2 = 12001
Const ltMcrText3 = 12002
Const ltMcrText4 = 12003
Const ltArtAlias = 20000
Const ltArtCat1 = 20001
Const ltArtCat2 = 20002
Const ltArtTotal = 20003
Const ltArtSlsUnDscLng1 = 20004
Const ltArtPrcUnDscLng1 = 20005
Const ltArtSlsUnDscLng2 = 20006
Const ltArtPrcUnDscLng2 = 20007
Const ltArtSlsUnDscLng3 = 20008
Const ltArtPrcUnDscLng3 = 20009
Const ltArtSlsUnDscLng4 = 20010
Const ltArtPrcUnDscLng4 = 20011
Const ltArtSlsUnDscLng5 = 20012
Const ltArtPrcUnDscLng5 = 20013
Const ltArtSlsUnDscLng6 = 20014
Const ltArtPrcUnDscLng6 = 20015
Const ltArtStcUnDscLng1 = 20016
Const ltArtStcUnDscLng2 = 20017
Const ltArtStcUnDscLng3 = 20018
Const ltArtStcUnDscLng4 = 20019
Const ltArtStcUnDscLng5 = 20020
Const ltArtStcUnDscLng6 = 20021
Const ltArtText1 = 20022
Const ltArtText2 = 20023
Const ltArtText3 = 20024
Const ltArtText4 = 20025
Const ltIphText1 = 20026
Const ltIphText2 = 20027
Const ltIphText3 = 20028
Const ltIphText4 = 20029
Const ltIpdText = 20030
Const ltSihText1 = 20031
Const ltSihText2 = 20032
Const ltSihText3 = 20033
Const ltSihText4 = 20034
Const ltSidText = 20035
Const ltSohText1 = 20036
Const ltSohText2 = 20037
Const ltSohText3 = 20038
Const ltSohText4 = 20039
Const ltSodText = 20040
Const ltStcBook = 20041
Const ltSthText1 = 20042
Const ltSthText2 = 20043
Const ltSthText3 = 20044
Const ltSthText4 = 20045
Const ltStdText = 20046
Const ltGrpText1 = 20047
Const ltGrpText2 = 20048
Const ltGrpText3 = 20049
Const ltGrpText4 = 20050
Const ltInvShipmentMethod = 20051
Const ltArtTextExtra1 = 20052
Const ltArtTextExtra2 = 20053
Const ltArtTextExtra3 = 20054
Const ltArtTextExtra4 = 20055
Const ltSdhText1 = 21005
Const ltSdhText2 = 21006
Const ltSdhText3 = 21007
Const ltSdhText4 = 21008
Const ltSddText = 21009
Const ltSrhText1 = 21010
Const ltSrhText2 = 21011
Const ltSrhText3 = 21012
Const ltSrhText4 = 21013
Const ltSrdText = 21014
Const ltSplText1 = 22000
Const ltSplText2 = 22001
Const ltSplText3 = 22002
Const ltSplText4 = 22003
Const ltAsuText1 = 23000
Const ltAsuText2 = 23001
Const ltAsuText3 = 23002
Const ltAsuText4 = 23003
Const ltPrhText1 = 23009
Const ltPrhText2 = 23010
Const ltPrhText3 = 23011
Const ltPrhText4 = 23012
Const ltPrdText = 23013
Const ltPdhText1 = 23014
Const ltPdhText2 = 23015
Const ltPdhText3 = 23016
Const ltPdhText4 = 23017
Const ltPddText = 23018
Const ltPohText1 = 23019
Const ltPohText2 = 23020
Const ltPohText3 = 23021
Const ltPohText4 = 23022
Const ltPodText = 23023
Const ltPihText1 = 23024
Const ltPihText2 = 23025
Const ltPihText3 = 23026
Const ltPihText4 = 23027
Const ltPidText = 23028
Const ltPphText1 = 23029
Const ltPphText2 = 23030
Const ltPphText3 = 23031
Const ltPphText4 = 23032
Const ltPpdText = 23033
Const ltWrhText1 = 24000
Const ltWrhText2 = 24001
Const ltWrhText3 = 24002
Const ltWrhText4 = 24003
Const ltLocText1 = 24004
Const ltLocText2 = 24005
Const ltLocText3 = 24006
Const ltLocText4 = 24007
Const ltCircuitCode = 24008
Const ltTrhBook = 24009
Const ltTrhText1 = 24010
Const ltTrhText2 = 24011
Const ltTrhText3 = 24012
Const ltTrhText4 = 24013
Const ltTrdText = 24014
Const ltALoText1 = 24015
Const ltALoText2 = 24016
Const ltALoText3 = 24017
Const ltALoText4 = 24018
Const ltAsrText1 = 25000
Const ltAsrText2 = 25001
Const ltAsrText3 = 25002
Const ltAsrText4 = 25003
Const ltCphText1 = 26004
Const ltCphText2 = 26005
Const ltCphText3 = 26006
Const ltCphText4 = 26007
Const ltCpdText1 = 26008
Const ltCphBook = 26009
Const ltCtcText1 = 27000
Const ltCtcText2 = 27001
Const ltCtcText3 = 27002
Const ltCtcText4 = 27003
Const ltPjhCategory = 27005
Const ltPjhStatus = 27006
Const ltPjhGroup = 27007
Const ltPjhVia = 27008
Const ltPjhSource = 27009
Const ltPjhResponsible = 27010
Const ltPjhClosedReason = 27011
Const ltPjhText1 = 27012
Const ltPjhText2 = 27013
Const ltPjhText3 = 27014
Const ltPjhText4 = 27015

Const tdtSOrder = 3
Const tdtSDeliv = 4
Const tdtPOrder = 8
Const tdtPDeliv = 9
Const tdtProduct = 13

Const csgMin = 0
Const csgAssets = 0
Const csgPassive = 1
Const csgDebit = 2
Const csgCredit = 3
Const csgOther = 4
Const csgMax = 5

Const vgMin = 0
Const vgGrpNone = 0
Const vgGrpGoods = 1
Const vgGrpServices = 2
Const vgGrpInvest = 3
Const vgGrpRes = 4
Const vgVatAslDueNorm = 10
Const vgVatAslDueRes = 11
Const vgVatAslDedNorm = 12
Const vgVatAslDedRes = 13
Const vgVatAprDedInvNorm = 20
Const vgVatAprDedInvRes = 21
Const vgVatAprDueInvCoPart = 22
Const vgVatAprDueInvIC = 23
Const vgVatAprDueInvDisp = 24
Const vgVatAprDueInvRes = 25
Const vgVatAprDueCreNorm = 26
Const vgVatAprDueCreRes = 27
Const vgVatAprDedCreNorm = 28
Const vgVatAprDedCreRes = 29
Const vgVatDedOther = 30
Const vgVatRevInsuf = 40
Const vgVatRevReturn = 41
Const vgVatRevDedCor = 42
Const vgVatRevAdmReg = 43
Const vgVatAdvance = 50
Const vgVatCurrent = 60
Const vgMax = 61
Const vgNone = -1

Const actMin = 0
Const actNormal = 0
Const actNonDeductVat = 1
Const actForeignVat = 2
Const actNotSubmit = 3
Const actDepreciation = 4
Const actCommission = 5
Const actFees = 6
Const actBenefits = 7
Const actCosts = 8
Const actBankCosts = 9
Const actAssetSales = 10
Const actRoyaltiesIncome = 11
Const actRoyaltiesCosts = 12
Const actRoyaltiesTax = 13
Const actMax = 14

Const smlMin = 0
Const smlNone = 0
Const smlMonth = 1
Const smlVatPeriod = 2
Const smlFull = 3
Const smlMax = 4

Const cuMin = 0
Const cuNormal = 0
Const cuRestricted = 1
Const cuNotInUse = 2
Const cuMax = 3

Const aatMin = 0
Const aatKind = 0
Const aatCent = 1
Const aatUnit = 2
Const aatMax = 3

Const icMin = 0
Const icICGoods = 0
Const icIcAssmDist = 1
Const icICExport = 2
Const icIcServices = 2
Const icIcFree = 3
Const icMax = 4

Const stMin = 0
Const stNone = 0
Const stOwnArt = 1
Const stOtherArt = 2
Const stMax = 3

Const vaMin = 0
Const vaFifo = 0
Const vaLifo = 1
Const vaAverage = 2
Const vaMarketValue = 3
Const vaMax = 4

Const csMin = 0
Const csNotCompound = 0
Const csSet = 1
Const csCompound = 2
Const csToBeCompound = 3
Const csMax = 4

Const pmMin = 0
Const pmNoPurchase = 0
Const pmIndividual = 1
Const pmGlobal = 2
Const pmMax = 3

Const ntMin = 0
Const ntNone = 0
Const ntQuantity = 1
Const ntStockUnit = 2
Const ntWeight = 3
Const ntMax = 4

Const wuMin = 0
Const wuMg = 0
Const wuG = 1
Const wuKg = 2
Const wuT = 3
Const wuMax = 4

Const snMin = 0
Const snNone = 0
Const snNoStock = 1
Const snWithStock = 2
Const snMax = 3

Const ctMin = 0
Const ctBase = 0
Const ctAdditional = 1
Const ctDetached = 2
Const ctMax = 3

Const emMin = 0
Const emFromDate = 0
Const emFromEOM = 1
Const emFromEONextM = 2
Const emMax = 3

Const vsMin = 0
Const vsInternalNormal = 0
Const vsInternalReduced = 1
Const vsInternalContract = 2
Const vsInternalTaxFree = 3
Const vsEec = 4
Const vsEecWithVat = 5
Const vsNoEec = 6
Const vsNoEecWithVat = 7
Const vsMax = 8

Const seMin = 0
Const seMan = 0
Const seWoman = 1
Const seNotApplicable = 2
Const seMax = 3

Const tltMin = 0
Const tltFax = 0
Const tltFaxBusiness = 1
Const tltFaxHome = 2
Const tltMobile = 3
Const tltMobBusiness = 4
Const tltMobHome = 5
Const tltMobRepresent = 6
Const tltPager = 7
Const tltPagRepresent = 8
Const tltTelephone = 9
Const tltTelBusiness = 10
Const tltTelHome = 11
Const tltTelRepresent = 12
Const tltTelex = 13
Const tltReserved0 = 14
Const tltReserved1 = 15
Const tltReserved2 = 16
Const tltReserved3 = 17
Const tltReserved4 = 18
Const tltReserved5 = 19
Const tltReserved6 = 20
Const tltReserved7 = 21
Const tltReserved8 = 22
Const tltReserved9 = 23
Const tltReserved10 = 24
Const tltReserved11 = 25
Const tltReserved12 = 26
Const tltReserved13 = 27
Const tltReserved14 = 28
Const tltReserved15 = 29
Const tltReserved16 = 30
Const tltReserved17 = 31
Const tltExtra0 = 32
Const tltExtra1 = 33
Const tltExtra2 = 34
Const tltExtra3 = 35
Const tltExtra4 = 36
Const tltExtra5 = 37
Const tltExtra6 = 38
Const tltExtra7 = 39
Const tltExtra8 = 40
Const tltExtra9 = 41
Const tltMax = 42

Const semMin = 0
Const semPaper = 0
Const semElectronic = 1
Const semBoth = 2
Const semMax = 3

Const smSdhMin = 0
Const smSdhPaper = 0
Const smSdhElectronic = 1
Const smSdhBoth = 2
Const smSdhMax = 3

Const smRmdMin = 0
Const smRmdPaper = 0
Const smRmdElectronic = 1
Const smRmdBoth = 2
Const smRmdMax = 3

Const pdMin = 0
Const pdNo = 0
Const pdThisAddress = 1
Const pdOtherAddress = 2
Const pdMax = 3

Const ekMin = 0
Const ekNormal = 0
Const ekAutoRound = 1
Const ekAutoRate = 2
Const ekAutoAprDoc = 3
Const ekAutoAslDoc = 4
Const ekAutoPay = 5
Const ekAutoSdd = 6
Const ekMax = 7

Const fmaMin = 0
Const fmaNoOrDone = 0
Const fmaNew = 1
Const fmaModified = 2
Const fmaMax = 3

Const atMin = 0
Const atNone = 0
Const atUser1 = 1
Const atUser2 = 2
Const atUser3 = 3
Const atUser4 = 4
Const atUser5 = 5
Const atUser6 = 6
Const atUser7 = 7
Const atUser8 = 8
Const atUser9 = 9
Const atUser10 = 10
Const atUser11 = 11
Const atUser12 = 12
Const atUser13 = 13
Const atUser14 = 14
Const atUser15 = 15
Const atUser16 = 16
Const atUser17 = 17
Const atUser18 = 18
Const atOther = 19
Const atMax = 20

Const meMin = 0
Const meNone = 0
Const meFlatRate = 1
Const meAccelerated = 2
Const meDiminishing = 3
Const meVariable = 4
Const meMax = 5

Const suMin = 0
Const suOnce = 0
Const suDistributed = 1
Const suMax = 2

Const anMin = 0
Const anFull = 0
Const anProRato = 1
Const anMax = 2

Const pddMin = 0
Const pddDelivery = 0
Const pddTakeBack = 1
Const pddConsDelivery = 2
Const pddConsTakeBack = 3
Const pddMax = 4

Const vcmMin = 0
Const vcmWithFinDiscount = 0
Const vcmNoFinDiscount = 1
Const vcmMax = 2

Const pidMin = 0
Const pidInvoice = 0
Const pidCreditnote = 1
Const pidTransfer = 2
Const pidMax = 3

Const podMin = 0
Const podInvoice = 0
Const podCreditnote = 1
Const podTransfer = 2
Const podMax = 3

Const prdMin = 0
Const prdOrder = 0
Const prdReturn = 1
Const prdConsOrder = 2
Const prdConsReturn = 3
Const prdMax = 4

Const prMin = 0
Const prPart = 0
Const prLine = 1
Const prDocument = 2
Const prMax = 3

Const vcMin = 0
Const vcTarif0 = 0
Const vcTarif1 = 1
Const vcTarif2 = 2
Const vcTarif3 = 3
Const vcTarif4 = 4
Const vcTarif5 = 5
Const vcExport = 6
Const vcFree = 7
Const vcContract = 8
Const vcSpecVat0 = 9
Const vcSpecVat1 = 10
Const vcSpecVat2 = 11
Const vcSpecVat3 = 12
Const vcSpecVat4 = 13
Const vcMax = 14

Const prcMin = 0
Const prcInvoice = 0
Const prcCreditnote = 1
Const prcTransfer = 2
Const prcMax = 3

Const slsMin = 0
Const slsInvoice = 0
Const slsCreditnote = 1
Const slsTransfer = 2
Const slsMax = 3

Const lsMin = 0
Const lsNihil = 0
Const lsExtra1 = 1
Const lsExtra2 = 2
Const lsExtra3 = 3
Const lsExtra4 = 4
Const lsExtra5 = 5
Const lsExtra6 = 6
Const lsExtra7 = 7
Const lsExtra8 = 8
Const lsExtra9 = 9
Const lsMax = 10

Const sddMin = 0
Const sddDelivery = 0
Const sddTakeBack = 1
Const sddConsDelivery = 2
Const sddConsTakeBack = 3
Const sddMax = 4

Const sidMin = 0
Const sidInvoice = 0
Const sidCreditnote = 1
Const sidTransfer = 2
Const sidMax = 3

Const cvtMin = 0
Const cvtLowestVat = 0
Const cvtHighestVat = 1
Const cvtExplicitVat = 2
Const cvtMax = 3

Const sndMin = 0
Const sndManual = 0
Const sndAutoTck = 1
Const sndAutoVat = 2
Const sndAutoTrn = 3
Const sndAutoPay = 4
Const sndReEval = 5
Const sndMasDepr = 6
Const sndCutOff = 7
Const sndAutoSdd = 8
Const sndMax = 9

Const sodMin = 0
Const sodInvoice = 0
Const sodCreditnote = 1
Const sodTransfer = 2
Const sodMax = 3

Const srdMin = 0
Const srdOrder = 0
Const srdReturn = 1
Const srdConsOrder = 2
Const srdConsReturn = 3
Const srdMax = 4

Const ccMin = 0
Const ccNone = 0
Const ccConstituent = 1
Const ccBeneficiary = 2
Const ccMax = 3

Const stcMin = 0
Const stcOpening = 0
Const stcAdjustment = 1
Const stcMax = 2

Const dcrMin = 0
Const dcrDebit = 0
Const dcrCredit = 1
Const dcrNotAllowed = 2
Const dcrMax = 3

Const gaMin = 0
Const gaNot = 0
Const gaFree = 1
Const gaMax = 2

Const asbMin = 0
Const asbBase0 = 0
Const asbBase1 = 1
Const asbBase2 = 2
Const asbBase3 = 3
Const asbBase4 = 4
Const asbBase5 = 5
Const asbCoPart = 6
Const asbIcGoods = 7
Const asbIcAssmDist = 8
Const asbExport = 9
Const asbIcServices = 10
Const asbReserve2 = 11
Const asbForeignVat = 12
Const asbFinDiscount = 13
Const asbNotSubmit = 14
Const asbMax = 15

Const apbMin = 0
Const apbNormal = 0
Const apbCoPartReal = 1
Const apbCoPartOther = 2
Const apbIcGoods = 3
Const apbIcAssmDist = 4
Const apbImportDispl = 5
Const apbImportOther = 6
Const apbIcServices = 7
Const apbReserve2 = 8
Const apbNonDeductVat = 9
Const apbForeignVat = 10
Const apbFinDiscount = 11
Const apbNotSubmit = 12
Const apbMax = 13

Const manMin = 0
Const manImmaterial = 0
Const manMaterial = 1
Const manFormation = 2
Const manMax = 3

Const apMin = 0
Const apGeneral = 0
Const apCustm = 1
Const apSuppl = 2
Const apDeposit = 3
Const apBank = 4
Const apPostalCheque = 5
Const apCash = 6
Const apMax = 7

Const psMin = 0
Const psPlanned = 0
Const psInProduction = 1
Const psProduced = 2
Const psMax = 3

Const sbMin = 0
Const sbQuantity = 0
Const sbStockUnits = 1
Const sbLineTotal = 2
Const sbWeight = 3
Const sbMax = 4

Const cdMin = 0
Const cdAlways = 0
Const cdOnlyInt = 1
Const cdOnlyExt = 2
Const cdNever = 3
Const cdMax = 4

Const avMin = 0
Const avNo = 0
Const avArtRate = 1
Const avFixedRateEx = 2
Const avFixedRateIn = 3
Const avMax = 4

Const caMin = 0
Const caPrice = 0
Const caDiscount = 1
Const caSurcharge = 2
Const caMax = 3

Const ckMin = 0
Const ckNum = 0
Const ckCat = 1
Const ckAll = 2
Const ckMax = 3

Const akMin = 0
Const akNum = 0
Const akCat = 1
Const akAll = 2
Const akMax = 3

Const sdoMin = 0
Const sdoByLocation = 0
Const sdoByPriority = 1
Const sdoByPriority_CircuitCode = 2
Const sdoByLocation_SerialNumber = 3
Const sdoByPriority_SerialNumber = 4
Const sdoByPriority_CircuitCode_SerialNumber = 5
Const sdoByProdDate_SerialNumber_Location = 6
Const sdoByUseDate_SerialNumber_Location = 7
Const sdoBySerialNumber_Location = 8
Const sdoMax = 9

Const apdtMin = 10
Const apdtAprInv = 10
Const apdtAprCre = 11
Const apdtAprTrn = 12
Const apdtAslInv = 20
Const apdtAslCre = 21
Const apdtAslTrn = 22
Const apdtFinDoc = 30
Const apdtSndMan = 40

Const sitMin = 0
Const sitStock = 0
Const sitSlsOrderPlus = 1
Const sitSlsOrderMinus = 2
Const sitSlsOrderRes = 3
Const sitSlsOrderConsPlus = 4
Const sitSlsOrderConsRes = 5
Const sitSlsInConsignment = 6
Const sitPrcOrderPlus = 7
Const sitPrcOrderMinus = 8
Const sitInTransfer = 9
Const sitInProduction = 10
Const sitProdReserved = 11
Const sitSerialNum = 12
Const sitMax = 13

Const idtMin = 0
Const idtNone = 0
Const idtIso = 1
Const idtIsr = 3
Const idtIsd = 4
Const idtIsi = 5
Const idtIpo = 6
Const idtIpr = 8
Const idtIpd = 9
Const idtIpi = 10
Const idtStc = 11
Const idtTrn = 12
Const idtCmp = 13
Const idtMax = 14

Const ptMin = 0
Const ptForeign = 0
Const ptLocalEUR = 1
Const ptLocalBEF = 2
Const ptMax = 3

Const poMin = 0
Const poManual = 0
Const poPeriodical = 1
Const poAutomatic = 2
Const poMax = 3

Const ptiMin = 0
Const ptiNone = 0
Const ptiMr = 1
Const ptiMrs = 2
Const ptiMiss = 3
Const ptiMrAndMrs = 4
Const ptiMrOrMrs = 5
Const ptiMrsWidow = 6
Const ptiMax = 7

Const plMin = 0
Const plUnknown = 0
Const plDutch = 1
Const plFrench = 2
Const plGerman = 3
Const plMax = 4

Const pccMin = 0
Const pccNone = 0
Const pccOrdCustomer = 1
Const pccBeneficiary = 2
Const pccMax = 3

Const apatMin = 0
Const apatCent = 1
Const apatUnit = 2
Const apatMax = 3

Const pptMin = 0
Const pptDay = 0
Const pptMonth = 1
Const pptMax = 2

Const potMin = 0
Const potBeginMonth = 0
Const potEndMonth = 1
Const potMax = 2

Const ppaMin = 0
Const ppaView = 0
Const ppaModify = 1
Const ppaMax = 2

Const prmMin = 0
Const prmNoPrint = 0
Const prmWithoutParts = 1
Const prmWithParts = 2
Const prmMax = 3

Const dtMin = 0
Const dtVATDeclaration = 0
Const dtIntraCommunity = 1
Const dtCustomerStatem = 2
Const dtHonorariumCard = 3
Const dtAnnualAccounts = 4
Const dtMax = 5

Const ecMin = 0
Const ecNoError = 0
Const ecNegativeStock = 1
Const ecUnknownValuation = 2
Const ecMax = 3

Const etpMin = 0
Const etpLegal = 0
Const etpPhysical = 1
Const etpMax = 2

Const eddMin = 0
Const eddAccounting = 0
Const eddInvoicing = 1
Const eddOther = 2
Const eddMax = 3

Const eidtMin = 0
Const eidtStandard = 0
Const eidtExtended = 1
Const eidtMax = 2

Const prlMin = 0
Const prlNot = 0
Const prlNormal = 1
Const prlStyle1 = 2
Const prlStyle2 = 3
Const prlStyle3 = 4
Const prlMax = 5

Const cotMin = 0
Const cotNormal = 0
Const cotSportsmen = 1
Const cotInstructors = 2
Const cotMax = 3

Const rctMin = 0
Const rctFixed = 0
Const rctActual = 1
Const rctMax = 2

Const esMin = 0
Const esToCheck = 0
Const esToProcess = 1
Const esAccepted = 2
Const esDeclined = 3
Const esMax = 4

Const edMin = 0
Const edAccounting = 0
Const edInvoicing = 1
Const edOther = 2
Const edMax = 3

Const skMin = 0
Const skNum = 0
Const skAll = 2
Const skMax = 3

Const ftMin = 0
Const ftNone = 0
Const ftCustomer = 1
Const ftSupplier = 2
Const ftMax = 3

Const chMin = 0
Const chInternal = 0
Const chTelIn = 1
Const chFaxIn = 2
Const chEmailIn = 3
Const chWebIn = 4
Const chLetterIn = 5
Const chTelOut = 6
Const chFaxOut = 7
Const chEmailOut = 8
Const chWebOut = 9
Const chLetterOut = 10
Const chVisitIn = 11
Const chVisitOut = 12
Const chMax = 13

Const ctctMin = 0
Const ctctPerson = 0
Const ctctDepartment = 1
Const ctctMax = 2

Const ddmsMin = 0
Const ddmsB2C = 0
Const ddmsB2B = 1
Const ddmsMax = 2

Const ddmtMin = 0
Const ddmtOnce = 0
Const ddmtRecurrent = 1
Const ddmtMax = 2

Const parMin = 0
Const parVatRates = 0
Const parInvoicingLanguages = 1
Const parVatDeclarationFrequence = 2
Const parICStatementFrequence = 3
Const parItrDeclarationFrequence = 4
Const parItrArrivalModel = 5
Const parItrDispatchModel = 6
Const parItrArrivalDeclarationType = 7
Const parItrDispatchDeclarationType = 8
Const parInvoicingDecimalsPrice = 9
Const parInvoicingDecimalsQuantity = 10
Const parInvoicingDecimalsLineAmount = 11
Const parAllowBlankBook = 12
Const parInvoicingBookSalesInvoice = 13
Const parInvoicingBookSalesCreditnote = 14
Const parInvoicingBookSalesTransfer = 15
Const parInvoicingAskAnalyticalInfo = 16
Const parInvoicesExportPdf = 17
Const parFinDiscountDays = 18
Const parAccountClassGroups = 19
Const parMax = 20

Const ueMin = 0
Const ueNot = 0
Const ueTo = 1
Const ueCc = 2
Const ueMax = 3

Const cgProfitLoss = 0
Const cgBalance = 1
Const cgOther = 2
Const cgMax = 3

' Your client application calling the Example Sub
' ...
' ...

Sub ClSdkExample

    Dim oVenice     ' Venice object
    Dim oDossier    ' DossierContext object
    Dim oCustm      ' Customer object
    Dim oYear       ' YearContext object
    Dim oSales      ' Sales object
    Dim oBalan      ' Balan object
    Dim eAccesMode
    Dim lSysNum
    Dim vPer0, vPer1, vPer2, vPer3, vPer4, vRem
    Dim dValue
    Dim sValue, sStreet, sPostal, sCity

    On Error resume next 

    ' Create the Venice object
    Set oVenice = CreateObject("ClSdk.Venice")

    ' Dummy code to activate Intellisense
    If False Then
        Set oDossier = CreateObject("ClSdk.Dossier")
        Set oCustm   = CreateObject("ClSdk.Custm")
        Set oYear    = CreateObject("ClSdk.Year")
        Set oSales   = CreateObject("ClSdk.Sales")
        Set oBalan   = CreateObject("ClSdk.Balan")
    End If

    ' Is option 'Access Management' installed?
    eAccessMode = oVenice.GetAccessMode()

    ' Logon into Venice, allowing user interface - script written for version 13.40_ 
    If eAccessMode = amSecure Then
        Call oVenice.LogonSecure("13.40_", "MyApplication", lngNld, true, "ClSdkUser", "ClSdkPassword")
        Call oVenice.Logon("13.40_", "MyApplication", lngNld, true, "SDK", "ClSdkUser", "Software engineer")
    End If

    If Err = 0 Then
        ' Get some Venice properties
        MsgBox("Venice user: " & oVenice.vUserName & vbCrLf & "Windows user: " & oVenice.vWindowsUser)

        ' Create DossierContext, use the default filing cabinet 'Data' and the dossier 'MyCompany'
        Set oDossier = oVenice.CreateDossierContext("", "MyCompany")
    End If

    If Err = 0 Then
        ' Get some Dossier properties
        MsgBox("Full path name: " & oDossier.vPath & vbCrLf & "Last financial year: " & oDossier.vLastYear)

        ' Create a customer object - CanChange = true
        Set oCustm = oDossier.CreateCustm(true)
    End If

    If Err = 0 Then
        ' Seek a customer in Brugge
        If oCustm.SeekByPostal(smEqual, "8000") Then
            ' Show customer found
            Call oCustm.View()

            ' Get some Customer properties
            sStreet = oCustm.pStreet 
            sPostal = oCustm.pPostalCode
            sCity   = oCustm.pCity

            ' Change some Customer properties
            oCustm.pStreet     = "SDK Street"
            oCustm.pPostalCode = 1234
            oCustm.pCity       = "SDK Town"

            ' And update the Customer Card
            Call oCustm.Update(umFullReport)

            If Err = 0 Then
                ' Show the result
                Call oCustm.View()

                ' Restore original values with alternative way of setting a property
                ' VBScript cannot use the field identifier enumerations - use GetFieldID(<Fieldname>) instead!
                Call oCustm.SetFieldVal(oCustm.GetFieldID("Street"), sStreet)
                Call oCustm.SetFieldVal(oCustm.GetFieldID("PostalCode"), sPostal)
                Call oCustm.SetFieldVal(oCustm.GetFieldID("City"), sCity)

                ' And update the Customer Card again
                Call oCustm.Update(umFullReport)
            End If

            ' Verify if the update succeeded, using the string version of GetField
            If Err <> 0 Or sPostal <> oCustm.GetFieldStr(oCustm.GetFieldID("PostalCode")) Then
                MsgBox("Update failed!")
            End If
            MsgBox ("No customer found in Brugge.")
        End If
    End If

    ' Create YearContext - 0 = last year
    Set oYear = oDossier.CreateYearContext(0)

    If Err = 0 Then
        ' Now select a Customer using the browse list
        lSysNum = oCustm.Browse(False)

        ' lSysNum <> 0 means a customer was selected in the browse
        If lSysNum <> 0 Then
            ' Seek the selected record
            If oCustm.SeekBySysNum(smEqual, lSysNum) Then
                ' and update it in a dialog
                Call oCustm.Update(umDialog)

                ' Get the balance of the current Customer
                dValue = oCustm.GetBalance(0)

                ' If a balance was returned, get the expired amounts
                If dValue <> 0 Then
                    dValue = oCustm.GetExpired(0, vPer0, vPer1, vPer2, vPer3, vPer4, vRem)

                    ' If there are open documents in period 2 or higher, show the documents
                    If vPer2 + vPer3 + vPer4 <> 0 Then
                        lSysNum = oCustm.BrowseDocuments(oCustm.pNumber)

                        ' lSysNum <> 0 means a document was selected
                        If lSysNum <> 0 Then
                            ' Create Sales Object - CanChange = false
                            Set oSales = oYear.CreateSales(false)
                            ' Seek the selected document
                            If oSales.SeekBySysNum(smEqual, lSysNum) Then
                                ' And Show it
                                Call oSales.View()
                            End If
                        End If
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End If
    End If

    ' oSales is no longer needed
    Set oSales = Nothing

    If Err = 0 Then
        ' We are interested in the turnover, so create a Balance object - CanChange = false
        Set oBalan = oYear.CreateBalan(false)
        ' Get the balance for all accounts starting with '70' for the complete financial year
        dValue = oBalan.GetBalance("70*", 0)
        ' Show the result
        MsgBox ("Total turnover: " & CStr(dValue))
        ' oBalan is no longer needed
        Set oBalan = Nothing
    End If

    If Err = 0 Then
        ' Get the last Customer in the file - the parameter is redundant
        If oCustm.SeekBySysNum(smLast, 0) Then
            ' Remember system number of last Customer
            lSysNum = oCustm.pSysNum
            ' Import some new Customers
            ' Enumerate the newly imported Customers
            If oCustm.SeekBySysNum(smGreater, lSysNum) Then
                sValue = ""
                ' Until not EOF
                While oCustm.GetDBStatus = 0
                    sValue = sValue & oCustm.pName & vbCrLf
                    ' Seek the next customer (with a greater system number)
                    Call oCustm.GetNext()
            End If
        End If
    End If

    ' Done, delete the customer
    ' oCustm.Delete(dmFullReport)

    ' No need to destroy the remaining objects, they are destroyed automatically at the end of the script

    If Err.number <> 0 Then
        MsgBox("Error while executing application." & vbCrLf & "Reason: " & Err.number & " " & Err.Description)
        MsgBox("VBClient terminated successfully.")
    End If

End Sub
HOW TO: Debug a script
Install a development tool with a debugger that can debug VBS.
Run the script as follows:
  cscript <YourScript.vbs> //X or
  wscript <YourScript.vbs> //X
(cscript if your script uses a console window, otherwise wscript).
On a 64bit Windows operating system, this executables can be started from <Windows directory>\SysWOW64.