History - version 11.10
This topic describes the changes that were made to SDK when releasing version 11.10 of Venice.
Interface Compatible Changes
Dossier The enumeration 'eParameter' has been extended with a value to retrieve the parameter 'List of class groups' from the accounting parameters.
When you called the PrepareDocument method with parameter paView, the document number and the synchronization status were set to 0 and the synchronization reference was made blank. The values will no longer be adjusted.
When calling PrepareDocument with paInsert and paDuplicate, the document number and the synchronization status are set to 0 and the synchronization reference is made blank so that the document can be added immediately.
AccProp If the accounting parameter 'Allow negative amounts' was not selected, then calling the WriteProposal method on a proposal that has a (positive) credit amount method would result in an error ('Entry amount has an invalid sign.').
Using WriteProposal on a proposal that has negative amounts in the debet (or credit) column caused these negative amounts to be saved as a positive amount in the credit (or debit) column. This is now only the case if you explicitely change the detail line with UpdateDetailSel.
Explanation: New in this version.
  Modified, but compatible with previous version.
  Modified, but no longer compatible with previous version.