eAccessAction: The access action you want to use. The following actions are available: |
 | aaMin: Minimum value. |  | aaRun: Creating an interface object. |  | aaAdd: Inserting a new record. |  | aaModify: Modifying an existing record. |  | aaDelete: Deleting a record. |  | aaImport: Importing records. |  | aaDialog: Starting the dialog. |  | aaBrowse: Browsing for a record. |  | aaParams: Starting the parameter dialog. |  | aaDefault: Starting the default values dialog. |  | aaConsult: Consulting data. |  | aaPrint: Printing. |  | aaColumn: Managing columns. |  | aaSelect: Managing selections. |  | aaSpecial: Executing a special 'command' (e.g. closing a VAT period). |  | aaTemplate: Starting the templates browse. |  | aaMax: Number of values. |
eAccessMode: The access mode of the Venice installation you want to approach. The following modes are available: |
 | amMin: Minimum value. |  | amNormal: The Venice installation is currently in the 'nonsecure' mode, i.e. the option 'Access management' was not installed. |  | amSecure: The Venice installation is currently in the 'secure' mode, i.e. the option 'Access management' was installed. |  | amMax: Number of values. |
eAccPrefix: The nature of the material assets card. The following prefixes are available: |
 | apMin: Minimum value. |  | apGeneral: General account number. |  | apCustm: Customer account number. |  | apSuppl: Supplier account number. |  | apDeposit: Deposit account number. |  | apBank: Bank account number. |  | apPostalCheque: Postal cheque account number. |  | apCash: Funds account number. |  | apMax: Number of values. |
eAccPropDocType: The document type for which you want to manage an accounting proposal. The following values are available: |
 | apdtMin: Minimum value. |  | apdtAprInv: Purchase invoice. |  | apdtAprCre: Purchase credit note. |  | apdtAprTrn: Purchase transfer document. |  | apdtAslInv: Sales invoice. |  | apdtAslCre: Sales credit note. |  | apdtAslTrn: Sales transfer document. |  | apdtFinDoc: Financial document. |  | apdtSndMan: Sundry document. |
eAccType: The type of general account you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | actMin: Minimum value. |  | actNormal: Normal. |  | actNonDeductVat: Non deductible VAT. |  | actForeignVat: VAT from abroad. |  | actNotSubmit: Not submitted. |  | actDepreciation: Depreciations, decrease of value, plus values. |  | actCommission: Commissions: Commissions, broker fees,... |  | actFees: Commissions: Fees or fees attendance money. |  | actBenefits: Commissions: Advantages of all kinds. |  | actCosts: Commissions: Expenses to be paid for by the buyer/receiver. |  | actBankCosts: Bank charges. |  | actAssetSales: Sales of material assets. |  | actRoyaltiesIncome: Royalties: Net income. |  | actRoyaltiesCosts: Royalties: Costs. |  | actRoyaltiesTax: Royalties: Withholding tax on income. |  | actMax: Number of values. |
eAnaAccType: The type of analytical account you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | aatMin: Minimum value. |  | aatKind: Analytical kind. |  | aatCent: Analytical centre. |  | aatUnit: Analytical unit. |  | aatMax: Number of values. |
eAnaEntType: The analytical entry type you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | aetMin: Minimum value. |  | aetCent: Analytical centre entry. |  | aetUnit: Analytical unit entry. |  | aetMax: Number of values. |
eAnaPropAccType: The type of analytical account you want to use for the analytical accounting proposal. The following types are available: |
 | apatMin: Minimum value. |  | apatCent: Analytical centre. |  | apatUnit: Analytical unit. |  | apatMax: Number of values. |
eAnnuity: The depreciation annuity you want to use. The following modes are available: |
 | anMin: Minimum value. |  | anFull: Write off over the entire financial year. |  | anProRato: Write off for the remaining period after the start of the depreciations. |  | anMax: Number of values. |
eApplyVat: The VAT rate that has to be applied on a supplement. The following values are available: |
 | avMin: Minimum value. |  | avNo: No VAT rate must be applied on the supplement. |  | avArtRate: The VAT rate of the article must be applied on the supplement. |  | avFixedRateEx: The given VAT rate (excl. VAT) must be applied on the supplement. |  | avFixedRateIn: The given VAT rate (incl. VAT) must be applied on the supplement. |  | avMax: Number of values. |
eAprchBase: Standard base that is used when creating an accounting document for this supplier. The following values are available: |
 | apbMin: Minimum value. |  | apbNormal: Normal levy. |  | apbCoPartReal: Contracting partner real estate. |  | apbCoPartOther: Other contracting partner. |  | apbIcGoods: Intra-community goods. |  | apbIcAssmDist: IC assembly and distance. |  | apbImportDispl: Import with display. |  | apbImportOther: Import and other. |  | apbIcServices: Intra-community services. |  | apbReserve2: Reserved for future use. |  | apbNonDeductVat: Non deductible VAT. |  | apbForeignVat: Foreign VAT. |  | apbFinDiscount: Cash discount. |  | apbNotSubmit: Not submitted. |  | apbMax: Number of values. |
eArtKind: The kind of commercial agreement in reference to the article. The following values are available: |
 | akMin: Minimum value. |  | akNum: A commercial agreement that is intended for one article. |  | akCat: A commercial agreement that is intended for one article category. |  | akAll: A commercial agreement that is intended for all articles. |  | akMax: Number of values. |
eAsalsBase: Standard base that is used when creating an accounting document for this client. The following values are available: |
 | asbMin: Minimum value. |  | asbBase0: VAT code 0 (e.g. 0%). |  | asbBase1: VAT code 1 (e.g. 6%). |  | asbBase2: VAT code 2 (e.g. 12%). |  | asbBase3: VAT code 3 (e.g. 21%). |  | asbBase4: VAT code 4 (e.g. 0%). |  | asbBase5: VAT code 5 (e.g. 0%). |  | asbCoPart: Contracting partner. |  | asbIcGoods: Intra-community goods. |  | asbIcAssmDist: IC assembly and distance. |  | asbExport: Export and equivalent. |  | asbIcServices: Intra-community services. |  | asbReserve2: Reserved for future use. |  | asbForeignVat: Foreign VAT. |  | asbFinDiscount: Cash discount. |  | asbNotSubmit: Not submitted. |  | asbMax: Number of values. |
eBankUse: The bank use for electronic payment you want to use. The following uses are available: |
 | buMin: Minimum value. |  | buNotUsed: The financial book is not used for electronic payments. |  | buLow: The financial book is rarely used for electronic payments. |  | buMedium: The financial book is sometimes used for electronic payments. |  | buHigh: The financial book is frequently used for electronic payments. |  | buMax: Number of values. |
eBookType: The type of book you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | btMin: Minimum value. |  | btNone: No specific type of book. |  | btPurch: Purchase books. |  | btSales: Sales books. |  | btFinan: Financial books. |  | btSndry: Sundry books. |  | btMax: Number of values. |
eCardType: The type of card you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | ctMin: Minimum value. |  | ctBase: Base card. |  | ctAdditional: Additional card. |  | ctDetached: Detached card. |  | ctMax: Number of values. |
eCardUse: The mode in which you want to use this card. The following modes are available: |
 | cuMin: Minimum value. |  | cuNormal: The card can be used in a normal way. |  | cuRestricted: When the card is used, a warning is shown. |  | cuNotInUse: The card cannot be used. |  | cuMax: Number of values. |
eChannel: The channel by which the project detail was established. The following channels are available: |
 | chMin: Minimum value. |  | chInternal: The project detail was created for internal communication only. |  | chTelIn: The project detail was created based on an incoming phone call. |  | chFaxIn: The project detail was created based on an incoming fax. |  | chEmailIn: The project detail was created based on an incoming e-mail. |  | chWebIn: The project detail was created based on an incoming web request. |  | chLetterIn: The project detail was created based on an incoming letter. |  | chTelOut: The project detail was created based on an outgoing phone call. |  | chFaxOut: The project detail was created based on an outgoing fax. |  | chEmailOut: The project detail was created based on an outgoing e-mail. |  | chWebOut: The project detail was created based on an outgoing web response. |  | chLetterOut: The project detail was created based on an outgoing letter. |  | chVisitIn: The project detail was created based on a visit in your firm. |  | chVisitOut: The project detail was created based on a visit in another firm. |  | chMax: Number of values. |
eChargeDeclare: Indication of and when a supplement has to be charged/declared. The following values are available: |
 | cdMin: Minimum value. |  | cdAlways: This supplement must always be charged/declared. |  | cdOnlyInt: This supplement must only be charged on/declared for documents referring to a international VAT system. |  | cdOnlyExt: This supplement must only be charged on/declared for documents referring to a national VAT system. |  | cdNever: This supplement must never be charged/declared. |  | cdMax: Number of values. |
eCircCheque: The type of circular cheque you want to specify the payment info. The following types are available: |
 | ccMin: Minimum value. |  | ccNone: No circular cheque. |  | ccConstituent: Constituent of the circular cheque. |  | ccBeneficiary: Beneficiary of the circular cheque. |  | ccMax: Number of values. |
eClassGroup: The class group of the first digit of the general account. |
 | cgProfitLoss: Profit/Loss |  | cgBalance: Balance |  | cgOther: Other |  | cgMax: Number of values. |
eClassSubGroup: The class subgroup of a general account you want to use. The following subgroups are available: |
 | csgMin: Minimum value. |  | csgAssets: Assets. |  | csgPassive: Liabilities. |  | csgDebit: Debit. |  | csgCredit: Credit. |  | csgOther: Other. |  | csgMax: Number of values. |
eComAgType: The type of commercial agreement. The following values are available: |
 | caMin: Minimum value. |  | caPrice: A commercial agreement resulting in a price. |  | caDiscount: A commercial agreement resulting in a discount. |  | caSurcharge: A commercial agreement resulting in a surcharge |  | caMax: Number of values. |
eCommsType: The kind of commission you need to pay. The following types are available: |
 | cotMin: Minimum value. |  | cotNormal: Normal commissions. |  | cotSportsmen: Commissions for sportsmen. |  | cotInstructors: Commissions for instructors, trainers or coaches. |  | cotMax: Number of values. |
eCompoundStatus: The compound status you want to use for this article. The following statuses are available: |
 | csMin: Minimum value. |  | csNotCompound: Not compound. |  | csSet: Compound as a set. |  | csCompound: Compound. |  | csToBeCompound: To be compound. |  | csMax: Number of values. |
eContactType: The contact type you want to use for this contact. The following types are available: |
 | ctctMin: Minimum value. |  | ctctPerson: A natural person. |  | ctctDepartment: A company department. |  | ctctMax: Number of values. |
eCostVatType: The type of VAT you want to charge for this cost. The following types are available: |
 | cvtMin: Minimum value. |  | cvtLowestVat: Lowest VAT rate of the document. |  | cvtHighestVat: Highest VAT rate of the document. |  | cvtExplicitVat: Use an explicitly entered VAT rate. |  | cvtMax: Number of values. |
eCstKind: The kind of commercial agreement in reference to the customer. The following values are available: |
 | ckMin: Minimum value. |  | ckNum: A commercial agreement that is intended for one customer. |  | ckCat: A commercial agreement that is intended for one customer category. |  | ckAll: A commercial agreement that is intended for all customers. |  | ckMax: Number of values. |
eDCR: Use of this general account on documents. The following values are available: |
 | dcrMin: Minimum value. |  | dcrDebit: Debit. |  | dcrCredit: Credit. |  | dcrNotAllowed: Not allowed. |  | dcrMax: Number of values. |
eDdManScheme: The scheme that has to be used for a mandate. The following schemes are available: |
 | ddmsMin: Minimum value. |  | ddmsB2C: B2C (Business to Customer) |  | ddmsB2B: B2B (Business to Business) |  | ddmsMax: Number of values. |
eDdManType: The type of mandate. The following types are available: |
 | ddmtMin: Minimum value. |  | ddmtOnce: Once |  | ddmtRecurrent: Recurrent |  | ddmtMax: Number of values. |
eDeclType: The type of declaration of which you want information. The following types are available: |
 | dtMin: Minimum value. |  | dtVATDeclaration: VAT declaration. |  | dtIntraCommunity: Intra-community statement. |  | dtCustomerStatem: Customer statement. |  | dtHonorariumCard: Honorarium cards. |  | dtAnnualAccounts: Annual accounts. |  | dtMax: Number of values. |
eDefDestination: The default destination for documents for the supplier. The following values are available: |
 | eddMin: Minimum value. |  | eddAccounting: Accounting documents. |  | eddInvoicing: Invoicing documents. |  | eddOther: Documents in another application. |  | eddMax: Number of values. |
eDeleteMode: The mode you want to use for deleting a record. The following modes are available: |
 | dmMin: Minimum value. |  | dmNoReport: The record is deleted without showing any user interface, this means that no errors/warnings are shown. |  | dmFullReport: All errors and/or warnings are reported via the user interface. |  | dmTestOnly: Tests whether a record can be deleted, without actually deleting it. |  | dmMax: Number of values. |
eDelivCond: The delivery conditions you want to use for this Intrastat line. The following conditions are available: |
 | dcMin: Minimum value. |  | dcEXW: Ex works. |  | dcFCA: Free Carrier. |  | dcFAS: Free alongside ship. |  | dcFOB: Free on board. |  | dcCFR: Cost and freight (C&F). |  | dcCIF: Cost, insurance and freight. |  | dcCPT: Carriage paid to agreed destination. |  | dcCIP: Carriage and insurance paid to agreed destination. |  | dcDAF: Delivered at frontier. (valid until 31/12/2010) |  | dcDES: Delivered ex ship. (valid until 31/12/2010) |  | dcDEQ: Delivered ex quay. (valid until 31/12/2010) |  | dcDDU: Delivered duty unpaid. (valid until 31/12/2010) |  | dcDDP: Delivered duty paid. |  | dcXXX: Other terms of delivery. |  | dcDAT: Delivered at terminal. (valid from 01/01/2011) |  | dcDAP: Delivered at place. (valid from 01/01/2011) |  | dcMax: Number of values. |
eEntryKind: The kind of entry you want to use. The following kinds are available: |
 | ekMin: Minimum value. |  | ekNormal: Normal entry. |  | ekAutoRound: Automatic rounding difference. |  | ekAutoRate: Automatic rate difference. |  | ekAutoAprDoc: Transferred purchase document. |  | ekAutoAslDoc: Transferred sales document. |  | ekAutoPay: Automatic posting to a payment suspense account. |  | ekAutoSdd: Automatic posting to a direct debit suspense account. |  | ekMax: Number of values. |
eErrorCode: The error codes that can occur during a stock valuation. The following error codes are available: |
 | ecMin: Minimum value. |  | ecNoError: No error occured. |  | ecNegativeStock: A negative stock was encountered during valuation. |  | ecUnknownValuation: Valuation method is unknown. |  | ecMax: Number of values. |
eEwkDestination: The destination of an electronic document. The following values are available: |
 | edMin: Minimum value. |  | edAccounting: Process document in Venice as an accounting document. |  | edInvoicing: Process document in Venice as an invoicing document. |  | edOther: Process document in another application. |  | edMax: Number of values. |
eEwkStatus: The statuses of an electronic document. The following statuses are available: |
 | esMin: Minimum value. |  | esToCheck: The electronic document needs to be checked before being processed. |  | esToProcess: The electronic document is ready to be processed. |  | esAccepted: The electronic document is accepted. |  | esDeclined: The electronic document is declined. |  | esMax: Number of values. |
eExpMode: The method you want to use to calculate the term of payment. The following modes are available: |
 | emMin: Minimum value. |  | emFromDate: Use the document date as calculation base. |  | emFromEOM: Use the end of the month of the document date as calculation base. |  | emFromEONextM: Use the end of the next month of the document date as calculation base. |  | emMax: Number of values. |
eFBookType: The type of financial book you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | fbMin: Minimum value. |  | fbDeposit: Deposits only. |  | fbBank: Banks only. |  | fbPostalCheque: Postal cheques only. |  | fbCash: Funds only. |  | fbMax: Number of values. |
eFirmType: The type of firm that is linked to a contact. The following types are available: |
 | ftMin: Minimum value. |  | ftNone: The contact is not linked to a firm. |  | ftCustomer: The contact is linked to a customer. |  | ftSupplier: The contact is linked to a supplier. |  | ftMax: Number of values. |
eFlagMatAssets: The type of material assets you want to use. The following flags are available: |
 | fmaMin: Minimum value. |  | fmaNoOrDone: None or processed. |  | fmaNew: To be processed - new. |  | fmaModified: To be processed - modified. |  | fmaMax: Number of values. |
eGetAna: Indication if analytical entries are allowed for this general account. The following values are available: |
 | gaMin: Minimum value. |  | gaNot: No analytical entries. |  | gaFree: Analytical entries can be made. |  | gaMax: Number of values. |
eIcCode: The intra-community code you want to use. The following codes are available: |
 | icMin: Minimum value. |  | icICGoods: IC goods. |  | icIcAssmDist: IC assembly. |  | icICExport: IC export. |  | icIcServices: IC services. |  | icIcFree: IC free. |  | icMax: Number of values. |
eInsertMode: The mode you want to use for inserting a new record. The following modes are available: |
 | imMin: Minimum value. |  | imNoReport: The record is inserted without showing any user interface, this means that neither the dialog to input data nor errors/warnings are shown. |  | imErrorReport: Only the errors (not the warnings) are reported via the user interface. |  | imFullReport: All errors and/or warnings are reported via the user interface. |  | imDialog: The data you want to insert into the record can be provided using the dialog of the interface. The dialog shows an empty record initialized with default values. |  | imDialogFromData: The dialog of the interface is initially started showing data from the current record. In that way you can insert a new record as a duplicate of the existing one and/or initialize some fields before showing the dialog. |  | imMax: Number of values. |  | |
 | Remark: User interface is only possible when the parameter bWithUserInterface is set to true in the Logon method. |
eInvDocType: The type of invoicing document that caused the change in stock. The following values are available: |
 | idtMin: Minimum value. |  | idtNone: No invoicing document. |  | idtIso: Sales offer. |  | idtIsr: Sales order. |  | idtIsd: Sales delivery. |  | idtIsi: Sales invoice. |  | idtIpo: Purchase offer. |  | idtIpr: Purchase order. |  | idtIpd: Purchase delivery. |  | idtIpi: Purchase invoice. |  | idtStc: Stock document. |  | idtTrn: Transfer document. |  | idtCmp: Production document. |  | idtMax: Number of values. |
eItrDeclarationType: The type of declaration you have to submit. The following types are available: |
 | eidtMin: Minimum value. |  | eidtStandard: A standard declaration. |  | eidtExtended: An extended declaration. |  | eidtMax: Number of values. |
eLanguage: The language you want to use in the user interface (e.g. dialogs, browses,...) and in the help. The following codes are available: |
 | lngMin: Minimum value. |  | lngNld: Dutch interface and Dutch help. |  | lngFra: French interface and French help. |  | lngEngNld: English interface and Dutch help. |  | lngEngFra: English interface and French help. |  | lngAuto: Language as provided in the automatic logon parameters. |  | lngMax: Number of values. |
eLawyerState: The lawyer state you want to assign to the sales document. The following states are available: |
 | lsMin: Minimum value. |  | lsNihil: No lawyer involved. |  | lsExtra1: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsExtra2: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsExtra3: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsExtra4: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsExtra5: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsExtra6: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsExtra7: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsExtra8: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsExtra9: State defined in the module parameters of sales documents. |  | lsMax: Number of values. |
eLookupType: The type of lookup code you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | ltCstAlias: Customer alias. |  | ltCstGroup: Customer group. |  | ltCstClass: Customer classification. |  | ltCstAddressForm: Customer address formula. |  | ltCstPolitePhrase: Customer polite phrase. |  | ltCstRepresentative: Customer representative. |  | ltCstStat: Customer statistics code. |  | ltCstText1: Customer free text 1. |  | ltCstText2: Customer free text 2. |  | ltCstText3: Customer free text 3. |  | ltCstText4: Customer free text 4. |  | ltSupAlias: Supplier alias. |  | ltSupGroup: Supplier group. |  | ltSupClass: Supplier classification. |  | ltSupAddressForm: Supplier address formula. |  | ltSupPolitePhrase: Supplier polite phrase. |  | ltSupStat: Supplier statistics code. |  | ltSupText1: Supplier free text 1. |  | ltSupText2: Supplier free text 2. |  | ltSupText3: Supplier free text 3. |  | ltSupText4: Supplier free text 4. |  | ltFbkAddressForm: Financial book address formula. |  | ltFbkPolitePhrase: Financial book polite phrase. |  | ltFbkText1: Financial book free text 1. |  | ltFbkText2: Financial book free text 2. |  | ltFbkText3: Financial book free text 3. |  | ltFbkText4: Financial book free text 4. |  | ltAccAlias: General account alias. |  | ltAccText1: General account free text 1. |  | ltAccText2: General account free text 2. |  | ltAccText3: General account free text 3. |  | ltAccText4: General account free text 4. |  | ltEntText: Entry free text. |  | ltAprText1: Purchase free text 1. |  | ltAprText2: Purchase free text 2. |  | ltAprText3: Purchase free text 3. |  | ltAprText4: Purchase free text 4. |  | ltAslText1: Sales free text 1. |  | ltAslText2: Sales free text 2. |  | ltAslText3: Sales free text 3. |  | ltAslText4: Sales free text 4. |  | ltFinText1: Financial free text 1. |  | ltFinText2: Financial free text 2. |  | ltFinText3: Financial free text 3. |  | ltFinText4: Financial free text 4. |  | ltSndText1: Sundry free text 1. |  | ltSndText2: Sundry free text 2. |  | ltSndText3: Sundry free text 3. |  | ltSndText4: Sundry free text 4. |  | ltItrBook: Intrastat book. |  | ltAphText1: Entry proposal free text 1. |  | ltAphText2: Entry proposal free text 2. |  | ltAphText3: Entry proposal free text 3. |  | ltAphText4: Entry proposal free text 4. |  | ltPpxGroupCode: Payment group. |  | ltAacText1: Analytical account free text 1. |  | ltAacText2: Analytical account free text 2. |  | ltAacText3: Analytical account free text 3. |  | ltAacText4: Analytical account free text 4. |  | ltAnhText1: Analytical entry proposal free text 1. |  | ltAnhText2: Analytical entry proposal free text 2. |  | ltAnhText3: Analytical entry proposal free text 3. |  | ltAnhText4: Analytical entry proposal free text 4. |  | ltAenText: Analytical entry free text. |  | ltCstTextExtra1: Customer extra free text 1 |  | ltCstTextExtra2: Customer extra free text 2 |  | ltCstTextExtra3: Customer extra free text 3 |  | ltCstTextExtra4: Customer extra free text 4 |  | ltUsrText1: User free text 1. |  | ltUsrText2: User free text 2. |  | ltUsrText3: User free text 3. |  | ltUsrText4: User free text 4. |  | ltUGpText1: Group rights free text 1. |  | ltUGpText2: Group rights free text 2. |  | ltUGpText3: Group rights free text 3. |  | ltUGpText4: Group rights free text 4. |  | ltRtdText1: Ratio definition free text 1. |  | ltRtdText2: Ratio definition free text 2. |  | ltRtdText3: Ratio definition free text 3. |  | ltRtdText4: Ratio definition free text 4. |  | ltCmtLink1: Comment link 1. |  | ltCmtLink2: Comment link 2. |  | ltMcrText1: Material assets card free text 1. |  | ltMcrText2: Material assets card free text 2. |  | ltMcrText3: Material assets card free text 3. |  | ltMcrText4: Material assets card free text 4. |  | ltArtAlias: Article alias. |  | ltArtCat1: Article free category 1. |  | ltArtCat2: Article free category 2. |  | ltArtTotal: Article total code. |  | ltArtSlsUnDscLng1: Article descr. sales unit language 1. |  | ltArtPrcUnDscLng1: Article descr. purchase unit language 1. |  | ltArtSlsUnDscLng2: Article descr. sales unit language 2. |  | ltArtPrcUnDscLng2: Article descr. puchase unit language 2. |  | ltArtSlsUnDscLng3: Article descr. sales unit language 3. |  | ltArtPrcUnDscLng3: Article descr. purchase unit language 3. |  | ltArtSlsUnDscLng4: Article descr. sales unit language 4. |  | ltArtPrcUnDscLng4: Article descr. purchase unit language 4. |  | ltArtSlsUnDscLng5: Article descr. sales unit language 5. |  | ltArtPrcUnDscLng5: Article descr. purchase unit language 5. |  | ltArtSlsUnDscLng6: Article descr. sales unit language 6. |  | ltArtPrcUnDscLng6: Article descr. purchase unit language 6. |  | ltArtStcUnDscLng1: Article descr. stock unit language 1. |  | ltArtStcUnDscLng2: Article descr. stock unit language 2. |  | ltArtStcUnDscLng3: Article descr. stock unit language 3. |  | ltArtStcUnDscLng4: Article descr. stock unit language 4. |  | ltArtStcUnDscLng5: Article descr. stock unit language 5. |  | ltArtStcUnDscLng6: Article descr. stock unit language 6. |  | ltArtText1: Article free text 1. |  | ltArtText2: Article free text 2. |  | ltArtText3: Article free text 3. |  | ltArtText4: Article free text 4. |  | ltIphText1: Invoicing proposal free text 1. |  | ltIphText2: Invoicing proposal free text 2. |  | ltIphText3: Invoicing proposal free text 3. |  | ltIphText4: Invoicing proposal free text 4. |  | ltIpdText: Invoicing proposal detail free text. |  | ltSihText1: Invoice free text 1. |  | ltSihText2: Invoice free text 2. |  | ltSihText3: Invoice free text 3. |  | ltSihText4: Invoice free text 4. |  | ltSidText: Invoice detail free text. |  | ltSohText1: Offer free text 1. |  | ltSohText2: Offer free text 2. |  | ltSohText3: Offer free text 3. |  | ltSohText4: Offer free text 4. |  | ltSodText: Offer detail free text. |  | ltStcBook: Stock document book. |  | ltSthText1: Stock document free text 1. |  | ltSthText2: Stock document free text 2. |  | ltSthText3: Stock document free text 3. |  | ltSthText4: Stock document free text 4. |  | ltStdText: Stock document detail free text. |  | ltGrpText1: Article group free text 1. |  | ltGrpText2: Article group free text 2. |  | ltGrpText3: Article group free text 3. |  | ltGrpText4: Article group free text 4. |  | ltInvShipmentMethod: Shipment method. |  | ltArtTextExtra1: Article extra free text 1 |  | ltArtTextExtra2: Article extra free text 2 |  | ltArtTextExtra3: Article extra free text 3 |  | ltArtTextExtra4: Article extra free text 4 |  | ltSdhText1: Delivery free text 1. |  | ltSdhText2: Delivery free text 2. |  | ltSdhText3: Delivery free text 3. |  | ltSdhText4: Delivery free text 4. |  | ltSddText: Delivery detail free text. |  | ltSrhText1: Order free text 1. |  | ltSrhText2: Order free text 2. |  | ltSrhText3: Order free text 3. |  | ltSrhText4: Order free text 4. |  | ltSrdText: Order detail free text. |  | ltSplText1: Supplement free text 1. |  | ltSplText2: Supplement free text 2. |  | ltSplText3: Supplement free text 3. |  | ltSplText4: Supplement free text 4. |  | ltAsuText1: Article supplier free text 1. |  | ltAsuText2: Article supplier free text 2. |  | ltAsuText3: Article supplier free text 3. |  | ltAsuText4: Article supplier free text 4. |  | ltPrhText1: Purchase order free text 1. |  | ltPrhText2: Purchase order free text 2. |  | ltPrhText3: Purchase order free text 3. |  | ltPrhText4: Purchase order free text 4. |  | ltPrdText: Purchase order detail free text. |  | ltPdhText1: Purchase delivery free text 1. |  | ltPdhText2: Purchase delivery free text 2. |  | ltPdhText3: Purchase delivery free text 3. |  | ltPdhText4: Purchase delivery free text 4. |  | ltPddText: Purchase delivery detail free text. |  | ltPohText1: Purchase offer free text 1. |  | ltPohText2: Purchase offer free text 2. |  | ltPohText3: Purchase offer free text 3. |  | ltPohText4: Purchase offer free text 4. |  | ltPodText: Purchase offer detail free text. |  | ltPihText1: Purchase invoice free text 1. |  | ltPihText2: Purchase invoice free text 2. |  | ltPihText3: Purchase invoice free text 3. |  | ltPihText4: Purchase invoice free text 4. |  | ltPidText: Purchase invoice detail free text. |  | ltPphText1: Puchase invoicing proposal free text 1. |  | ltPphText2: Puchase invoicing proposal free text 2. |  | ltPphText3: Puchase invoicing proposal free text 3. |  | ltPphText4: Puchase invoicing proposal free text 4. |  | ltPpdText: Puchase invoicing proposal free text. |  | ltWrhText1: Warehouse free text 1. |  | ltWrhText2: Warehouse free text 2. |  | ltWrhText3: Warehouse free text 3. |  | ltWrhText4: Warehouse free text 4. |  | ltLocText1: Location free text 1. |  | ltLocText2: Location free text 2. |  | ltLocText3: Location free text 3. |  | ltLocText4: Location free text 4. |  | ltCircuitCode: Circuit code. |  | ltTrhBook: Transfer document book. |  | ltTrhText1: Transfer document free text 1. |  | ltTrhText2: Transfer document free text 2. |  | ltTrhText3: Transfer document free text 3. |  | ltTrhText4: Transfer document free text 4. |  | ltTrdText: Transfer document detail free text. |  | ltALoText1: Article location free text 1. |  | ltALoText2: Article location free text 2. |  | ltALoText3: Article location free text 3. |  | ltALoText4: Article location free text 4. |  | ltAsrText1: Serial number free text 1. |  | ltAsrText2: Serial number free text 2. |  | ltAsrText3: Serial number free text 3. |  | ltAsrText4: Serial number free text 4. |  | ltCphText1: Production document free text 1. |  | ltCphText2: Production document free text 2. |  | ltCphText3: Production document free text 3. |  | ltCphText4: Production document free text 4. |  | ltCpdText1: Production document detail free text. |  | ltCphBook: Production document book. |  | ltCtcText1: Contact free text 1. |  | ltCtcText2: Contact free text 2. |  | ltCtcText3: Contact free text 3. |  | ltCtcText4: Contact free text 4. |  | ltPjhCategory: Project category. |  | ltPjhStatus: Project status. |  | ltPjhGroup: Project group. |  | ltPjhVia: Project via. |  | ltPjhSource: Project source. |  | ltPjhResponsible: Project responsible. |  | ltPjhClosedReason: Project closed reason. |  | ltPjhText1: Project free text 1. |  | ltPjhText2: Project free text 2. |  | ltPjhText3: Project free text 3. |  | ltPjhText4: Project free text 4. |
eMasAssetNature: The nature of the material assets card. The following values are available: |
 | manMin: Minimum value. |  | manImmaterial: Immaterial. |  | manMaterial: Material. |  | manFormation: Formation expenses. |  | manMax: Number of values. |
eMethod: The depreciation method you want to use. The following methods are available: |
 | meMin: Minimum value. |  | meNone: No depreciation. |  | meFlatRate: Flat rate depreciation. |  | meAccelerated: Accelerated depreciation. |  | meDiminishing: Diminishing depreciation. |  | meVariable: Variable depreciation. |  | meMax: Number of values. |
eNatTrans: The nature of the transaction you want to use for this Intrastat line. Codes ntrNormal through ntrOther (1 to 9) are for Intrastat before Januari 1, 2022, the other codes (11 to 99) are for for Intrastat from Januari 1, 2022. The following codes are available: |
 | ntrMin: Minimum value. |  | ntrNormal: 1: All transactions involving an actual, intended or future transfer of ownership against compensation. |  | ntrReturn: 2: Return of goods of which the original transaction to the description of transaction code 1. |  | ntrFree: 3: Transaction (non-temporary) without compensation involving a transfer of ownership. |  | ntrPreProc: 4: Operations 'with a view to' processing, other than under joint intergovernmental production programs. |  | ntrPostProc: 5: Operations 'following' processing, other than under joint intergovernmental production programs. |  | ntrRepair: 6: Operations 'following' repair and maintenance, other than under joint intergovernmental production programs. |  | ntrDefence: 7: Operations under joint defence programmes or other joint intergovernmental production programs. |  | ntrBuilding: 8: Supply of building materials and technical equipment under a general construction or civil engineering contract. |  | ntrOther: 9: Other transactions not elsewhere included. |  | ntrNormal_Bussiness: 11: Outright sale/purchase except direct trade with/by private consumers. |  | ntrNormal_Consumer: 12: Direct trade with/by private consumers (incl. distance sale). |  | ntrReturn_Goods: 21: Return of goods. |  | ntrReturn_Replace: 22: Replacement for returned goods. |  | ntrReturn_NonReturn: 23: Replacement (e.g. under warranty) for goods not being returned. |  | ntrFree_Warehouse: 31: Movements to/from a warehouse (excluding call-off and consignment stock). |  | ntrFree_Trial: 32: Supply for sale on approval or after trial (including call-off and consignment stock). |  | ntrFree_Leasing: 33: Financial leasing. |  | ntrFree_Free: 34: Transactions involving transfer of ownership without financial compensation. |  | ntrPreProc_Return: 41: Goods expected to return to the initial Member State/country of export. |  | ntrPreProc_NoReturn: 42: Goods not expected to return to the initial Member State/country of export. |  | ntrPostProc_Return: 51: Goods returning to the initial Member State/country of export. |  | ntrPostProc_NoReturn: 52: Goods not returning to the initial Member State/country of export. |  | ntrRepair_Repair: 60: Operations following repair or maintenance. This service can be both free of charge or against payment. These operations do not involve a (future) transfer of ownership. |  | ntrClearance_Release: 71: Release of goods for free circulation in a Member State with a subsequent export to another Member State. |  | ntrClearance_OtherMember: 72: Transportation of goods from one Member State to another Member State to place the goods under the export procedure. |  | ntrBuilding_Building: 80: Transactions involving the supply of building materials and technical equipment under a general construction or civil engineering contract for which no separate invoicing of the goods is required and an invoice for the total contract is issued. |  | ntrOther_Other24Month: 91: Hire, loan, and operational leasing longer than 24 months. |  | ntrOther_Other: 99: Other. |  | ntrMax: Number of values. |
eNumberTransfer: The amount you want to transfer to the option 'Accounting' when transferring an invoice. The following modes are available: |
 | ntMin: Minimum value. |  | ntNone: No amount. |  | ntQuantity: Quantity amount. |  | ntStockUnit: Stock unit amount. |  | ntWeight: Weight amount. |  | ntMax: Number of values. |
eParameter: The parameter of which you want the value. The following parameters are available: |
 | parMin: Minimum value. |  | parVatRates: List of VAT rates for the current date (return type: SafeArray of VARIANTs, subtype DOUBLE) |  | parInvoicingLanguages: List of invoicing languages (return type: SafeArray of VARIANTs, subtype BSTRING) |  | parVatDeclarationFrequence: VAT declaration frequence (return type: VARIANT, subtype BYTE (unsigned char)) |  | parICStatementFrequence: Intra-community statement frequence (return type: VARIANT, subtype BYTE (unsigned char)) |  | parItrDeclarationFrequence: Intrastat declaration frequence (return type: VARIANT, subtype BYTE (unsigned char)) |  | parItrArrivalModel: Arrival model active (return type: VARIANT, subtype BOOLEAN) |  | parItrDispatchModel: Dispatch model active (return type: VARIANT, subtype BOOLEAN) |  | parItrArrivalDeclarationType: Intrastat declaration type of arrival model (return type: VARIANT, subtype eItrDeclarationType-enumeration value) |  | parItrDispatchDeclarationType: Intrastat declaration type of dispatch model (return type: VARIANT, subtype eItrDeclarationType-enumeration value) |  | parInvoicingDecimalsPrice: Number of decimals that exceed the number of the dossier currency to be used for prices (return type: VARIANT, subtype BYTE (unsigned char)) |  | parInvoicingDecimalsQuantity: Number of decimals for quantities in documents, purchase or sales units (return type: VARIANT, subtype BYTE (unsigned char)) |  | parInvoicingDecimalsLineAmount: Number of decimals that exceed the number of the dossier currency to be used for the line amount (return type: VARIANT, subtype BYTE (unsigned char)) |  | parAllowBlankBook: Allow blank book code (return type: VARIANT, subtype BOOLEAN) |  | parInvoicingBookSalesInvoice: Specific book to be used on sales invoices (return type: VARIANT, subtype BSTR) |  | parInvoicingBookSalesCreditnote: Specific book to be used on sales credit notes (return type: VARIANT, subtype BSTR) |  | parInvoicingBookSalesTransfer: Specific book to be used on sales transfert documents (return type: VARIANT, subtype BSTR) |  | parInvoicingAskAnalyticalInfo: Ask analytical distributions (return type: VARIANT, subtype BOOLEAN) |  | parInvoicesExportPdf: Save pdf file when creating or editing an invoice (return type: VARIANT, subtype BOOLEAN) |  | parFinDiscountDays: Number of days that financial discount is valid after the document date (return type: VARIANT, subtype BYTE (unsigned char)) |  | parAccountClassGroups: List of class groups (return type: SafeArray of VARIANTs, subtype eClassGroup-enumeration value) |  | parAllowMargin: Allow margin documents (return type: VARIANT, subtype BOOLEAN) |  | parMax: Number of values. |
ePartial: The way you want to handle partial deliveries. The following types are available: |
 | prMin: Minimum value. |  | prPart: Parts of a line can be delivered. |  | prLine: Only complete lines can be delivered. |  | prDocument: Only complete documents can be delivered. |  | prMax: Number of values. |
ePayCircCheque: The bearer of the charges in case of a circular cheque. The following values are available: |
 | pccMin: Minimum value. |  | pccNone: No circular cheque (no charges). |  | pccOrdCustomer: Charges for the ordering customer. |  | pccBeneficiary: Charges for the beneficiary. |  | pccMax: Number of values. |
ePayDestination: The payment destination you want to use for automatic payments. The following destinations are available: |
 | pdMin: Minimum value. |  | pdNo: No destination. |  | pdThisAddress: The supplier is the destination. |  | pdOtherAddress: Another beneficiary is the destination. |  | pdMax: Number of values. |
ePayLanguage: The language of the beneficiary. The following values are available: |
 | plMin: Minimum value. |  | plUnknown: The language is not known. |  | plDutch: Dutch. |  | plFrench: French. |  | plGerman: German. |  | plMax: Number of values. |
ePayOrigin: The origin of the payment in the work file. The following values are available: |
 | poMin: Minimum value. |  | poManual: Manual payment. |  | poPeriodical: Periodical payment. |  | poAutomatic: Automatically generated payment. |  | poMax: Number of values. |
ePayTitle: The title of the beneficiary. The following values are available: |
 | ptiMin: Minimum value. |  | ptiNone: No title. |  | ptiMr: Mister. |  | ptiMrs: Missus. |  | ptiMiss: Miss. |  | ptiMrAndMrs: Mister and missus. |  | ptiMrOrMrs: Mister or missus. |  | ptiMrsWidow: Missus widow. |  | ptiMax: Number of values. |
ePayType: The type of payment. The following values are available: |
 | ptMin: Minimum value. |  | ptForeign: Foreign payment. |  | ptLocalEUR: Local payment in EUR. |  | ptLocalBEF: Local payment in BEF. |  | ptMax: Number of values. |
ePDelivDocType: The document type you want to use for the purchase delivery. The following types are available: |
 | pddMin: Minimum value. |  | pddDelivery: Delivery. |  | pddTakeBack: Take back. |  | pddConsDelivery: Consignment delivery. |  | pddConsTakeBack: Consignment take back. |  | pddMax: Number of values. |
ePerOffsetType: The offset type you want to use for the periodical payment. The following types are available: |
 | potMin: Minimum value. |  | potBeginMonth: Begin of the month. |  | potEndMonth: End of the month. |  | potMax: Number of values. |
ePerPeriodType: The period type you want to use for the periodical payment. The following types are available: |
 | pptMin: Minimum value. |  | pptDay: Repeat the payment daily. |  | pptMonth: Repeat the payment monthly. |  | pptMax: Number of values. |
ePInvceDocType: The document type you want to use for the purchase invoice. The following types are available: |
 | pidMin: Minimum value. |  | pidInvoice: Invoice. |  | pidCreditnote: Credit note. |  | pidTransfer: Transfer. |  | pidMax: Number of values. |
ePOfferDocType: The document type you want to use for the purchase offer. The following types are available: |
 | podMin: Minimum value. |  | podInvoice: Invoice. |  | podCreditnote: Credit note. |  | podTransfer: Transfer. |  | podMax: Number of values. |
ePOrderDocType: The document type you want to use for the purchase order. The following types are available: |
 | prdMin: Minimum value. |  | prdOrder: Order. |  | prdReturn: Return. |  | prdConsOrder: Consignment order. |  | prdConsReturn: Consignment return. |  | prdMax: Number of values. |
ePrepareAction: The type of preparation you want to execute on a document/proposal. The following actions are available: |
 | paMin: Minimum value. |  | paInsert: Prepare for inserting a new document/proposal. |  | paDuplicate: Prepare for duplicating an existing document/proposal. |  | paUpdate: Prepare for updating an existing document/proposal. |  | paView: Prepare for consulting the details of an existing document/proposal. |  | paMax: Number of values. |
ePreparePartsAction: The type of preparation you want to execute for the article parts. The following actions are available: |
 | ppaMin: Minimum value. |  | ppaView: Prepare for consulting the article parts. |  | ppaModify: Prepare for modifying the article parts. |  | ppaMax: Number of values. |
ePrintLine: The ways in which a sales offer detail line must be printed. The following values are available: |
 | prlMin: Minimum value. |  | prlNot: Do not print this sales offer detail line. |  | prlNormal: Print this sales offer detail line in the normal way. |  | prlStyle1: Print this sales offer detail line using style 1. |  | prlStyle2: Print this sales offer detail line using style 2. |  | prlStyle3: Print this sales offer detail line using style 3. |  | prlMax: Number of values. |
ePrintMode: The mode by which you want to print the article part on invoicing documents. The following modes are available: |
 | prmMin: Minimum value. |  | prmNoPrint: Do not print this article part. |  | prmWithoutParts: Print this article part but do not print its article parts. |  | prmWithParts: Print this article part and also print its article parts. |  | prmMax: Number of values. |
eProdStatus: The status of a production document. The following statuses are available: |
 | psMin: Minimum value. |  | psPlanned: The production of the article is planned. |  | psInProduction: The production of the article is busy. |  | psProduced: The production of the article is finished. |  | psMax: Number of values. |
ePurchaseDocType: The document type you want to use for the purchase document. The following types are available: |
 | prcMin: Minimum value. |  | prcInvoice: Invoice. |  | prcCreditnote: Credit note. |  | prcTransfer: Transfer. |  | prcMax: Number of values. |
ePurchaseMode: The purchase mode you want to use for this article. The following modes are available: |
 | pmMin: Minimum value. |  | pmNoPurchase: The article is not purchased. |  | pmIndividual: The article is purchased individually. |  | pmGlobal: The article is purchased globally. |  | pmMax: Number of values. |
eRegion: The region you want to use for this Intrastat line. The following regions are available: |
 | reMin: Minimum value. |  | reFlanders: Flemish region. |  | reWallonia: Walloon region. |  | reBrussels: Brussels region. |  | reMax: Number of values. |
eReportMode: The report mode you want to use. The following modes are available: |
 | rmMin: Minimum value. |  | rmNoReport: Shows no user interface, this means that errors nor warnings are shown. |  | rmErrorReport: Only the errors (not the warnings) are reported via the user interface. |  | rmFullReport: All errors and/or warnings are reported via the user interface. |  | rmMax: Number of values. |
eRoyalCostsType: The type of costs to be used for royalty cards. The following types are available: |
 | rctMin: Minimum value. |  | rctFixed: Fixed costs |  | rctActual: Actual costs |  | rctMax: Number of values. |
eSalesDocType: The document type you want to use for the sales document. The following types are available: |
 | slsMin: Minimum value. |  | slsInvoice: Invoice. |  | slsCreditnote: Credit note. |  | slsTransfer: Transfer. |  | slsMax: Number of values. |
eSDelivDocType: The document type you want to use for the sales delivery. The following types are available: |
 | sddMin: Minimum value. |  | sddDelivery: Delivery. |  | sddTakeBack: Take back. |  | sddConsDelivery: Consignment delivery. |  | sddConsTakeBack: Consignment take back. |  | sddMax: Number of values. |
eSeekMode: The mode you want to use to seek a record. The following modes are available: |
 | smMin: Minimum value. |  | smFirst: Seeks the logical first record of the file. Other parameters are redundant in this case. |  | smLess: Seeks the record of which the value is less than the given value. |  | smLessOrEqual: Seeks the record of which the value is less than or equal to the given value. |  | smEqual: Seeks the record of which the value is equal to the given value. |  | smGreaterOrEqual: Seeks the record of which the value is greater than or equal to the given value. |  | smGreater: Seeks the record of which the value is greater than to the given value. |  | smLast: Seeks the logical last record of the file. Other parameters are redundant in this case. |  | smMax: Number of values. |
eSendMethod: The way in which you want to send an invoice to your customer. The following methods are available: |
 | semMin: Minimum value. |  | semPaper: Send the customer a printed document. |  | semElectronic: Send the customer an electronic document. |  | semBoth: Send the customer a printed and an electronic document. |  | semMax: Number of values. |
eSendMethodRmd: The way in which you want to send a reminder to your customer. The following methods are available: |
 | smRmdMin: Minimum value. |  | smRmdPaper: Send the customer a printed document. |  | smRmdElectronic: Send the customer an electronic document. |  | smRmdBoth: Send the customer a printed and an electronic document. |  | smRmdMax: Number of values. |
eSendMethodSdh: The way in which you want to send a delivery note to your customer. The following methods are available: |
 | smSdhMin: Minimum value. |  | smSdhPaper: Send the customer a printed delivery note. |  | smSdhElectronic: Send the customer an electronic delivery note. |  | smSdhBoth: Send the customer a printed and an electronic delivery note. |  | smSdhMax: Number of values. |
eSerialNumber: The way by which you want to keep serial numbers for this article. The following modes are available: |
 | snMin: Minimum value. |  | snNone: Keep no serial numbers. |  | snNoStock: Keep serial numbers but without stock. |  | snWithStock: Keep serial numbers with stock. |  | snMax: Number of values. |
eSex: The following sexes are available: |
 | seMin: Minimum value. |  | seMan: Male. |  | seWoman: Female. |  | seNotApplicable: Not applicable. |  | seMax: Number of values. |
eSInvceDocType: The document type you want to use for the sales invoice. The following types are available: |
 | sidMin: Minimum value. |  | sidInvoice: Invoice. |  | sidCreditnote: Credit note. |  | sidTransfer: Transfer. |  | sidMax: Number of values. |
eSndryDocType: The document type you want to use for the sundry document. The following types are available: |
 | sndMin: Minimum value. |  | sndManual: Manually inserted document. |  | sndAutoTck: Automatic ticking document. |  | sndAutoVat: Automatic VAT closing document. |  | sndAutoTrn: Automatic transfer document. |  | sndAutoPay: Automatic payment order. |  | sndReEval: Revaluation document. |  | sndMasDepr: Material assets depreciation. |  | sndCutOff: Cut off document. |  | sndAutoSdd: Automatic direct debit order. |  | sndMax: Number of values. |
eSOfferDocType: The document type you want to use for the sales offer. The following types are available: |
 | sodMin: Minimum value. |  | sodInvoice: Invoice. |  | sodCreditnote: Credit note. |  | sodTransfer: Transfer. |  | sodMax: Number of values. |
eSOrderDocType: The document type you want to use for the sales order. The following types are available: |
 | srdMin: Minimum value. |  | srdOrder: Order. |  | srdReturn: Return. |  | srdConsOrder: Consignment order. |  | srdConsReturn: Consignment return. |  | srdMax: Number of values. |
eStatProc: The statistical procedure ('Model') you want to use for this Intrastat line. The following codes are available: |
 | spArrival: Arrival of IC goods. |  | spDispatch: Dispatch of IC goods. |
eStock: The mode by which you want to manage the stock of this article. The following modes are available: |
 | stMin: Minimum value. |  | stNone: No stock management. |  | stOwnArt: The stock is managed by the article itself. |  | stOtherArt: The stock is managed by another article. |  | stMax: Number of values. |
eStockDataOrder: The order in which you want to navigate the list of stock data. The following values are available: |
 | sdoMin: Minimum value. |  | sdoByLocation: Navigate the list of stock data by warehouse and location. |  | sdoByPriority: Navigate the list of stock data by warehouse, priority and location. |  | sdoByPriority_CircuitCode: Navigate the list of stock data by warehouse, priority, circuit code and location. |  | sdoByLocation_SerialNumber: Navigate the list of stock data by warehouse, location and serial number. |  | sdoByPriority_SerialNumber: Navigate the list of stock data by warehouse, priority, location and serial number. |  | sdoByPriority_CircuitCode_SerialNumber: Navigate the list of stock data by warehouse, priority, circuit code, location and serial number. |  | sdoByProdDate_SerialNumber_Location: Navigate the list of stock data by production date, serial number, warehouse and location. |  | sdoByUseDate_SerialNumber_Location: Navigate the list of stock data by use-by date, serial number, warehouse and location. |  | sdoBySerialNumber_Location: Navigate the list of stock data by serial number, warehouse and location. |  | sdoMax: Number of values. |
eStockDocType: The document type you want to use for the stock document. The following types are available: |
 | stcMin: Minimum value. |  | stcOpening: Automatically created when closing the invoicing documents of a financial year. |  | stcAdjustment: Used for manual stock changes. |  | stcMax: Number of values. |
eStockInfoType: The type of stock information you want to consult. The following values are available: |
 | sitMin: Minimum value. |  | sitStock: In stock |  | sitSlsOrderPlus: Ordered (sales) |  | sitSlsOrderMinus: Returned (sales) |  | sitSlsOrderRes: Reserved (sales) |  | sitSlsOrderConsPlus: Ordered consignments (sales) |  | sitSlsOrderConsRes: Reserved consignments (sales) |  | sitSlsInConsignment: On consignment (sales) |  | sitPrcOrderPlus: Ordered (purchase) |  | sitPrcOrderMinus: Returned (purchase) |  | sitInTransfer: In transfer |  | sitInProduction: In production |  | sitProdReserved: Reserved for production |  | sitSerialNum: Serial number history. |  | sitMax: Number of values. |
eSumModeLedger: The totalization mode you want to use for this general account when printing a ledger. The following modes are available: |
 | smlMin: Minimum value. |  | smlNone: All entries on this general account. |  | smlMonth: Monthly total of the entries on this general account. |  | smlVatPeriod: VAT period total of the entries on this general account. |  | smlFull: Financial year total of the entries on this general account. |  | smlMax: Number of values. |
eSupKind: The kind of commercial agreement in reference to the supplier. The following values are available: |
 | skMin: Minimum value. |  | skNum: A commercial purchase agreement that is intended for one supplier. |  | skAll: A commercial purchase agreement that is intended for all suppliers. |  | skMax: Number of values. |
eSupplementBase: The base on which the supplement is to be calculated. The following values are available: |
 | sbMin: Minimum value. |  | sbQuantity: The supplement is based on the article quantity. |  | sbStockUnits: The supplement is based on the article stock units. |  | sbLineTotal: The supplement is based on the line total. |  | sbWeight: The supplement is based on the article weight. |  | sbMax: Number of values. |
eTelTypes: The following telephone types are available: |
 | tltMin: Minimum value. |  | tltFax: Fax. |  | tltFaxBusiness: Business fax. |  | tltFaxHome: Home fax. |  | tltMobile: Mobile telephone. |  | tltMobBusiness: Business mobile telephone. |  | tltMobHome: Home mobile telephone. |  | tltMobRepresent: Representant mobile telephone. |  | tltPager: Pager. |  | tltPagRepresent: Representant pager. |  | tltTelephone: Telephone. |  | tltTelBusiness: Business telephone. |  | tltTelHome: Home telephone. |  | tltTelRepresent: Representant telephone. |  | tltTelex: Telex. |  | tltReserved0: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved1: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved2: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved3: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved4: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved5: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved6: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved7: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved8: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved9: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved10: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved11: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved12: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved13: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved14: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved15: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved16: Reserved for future use. |  | tltReserved17: Reserved for future use. |  | tltExtra0: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra1: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra2: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra3: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra4: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra5: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra6: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra7: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra8: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltExtra9: Extra telephone type defined in the general parameters. |  | tltMax: Number of values. |
eTickDocType: The type of document you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | tdtSOrder: Sales Order document. |  | tdtSDeliv: Sales Delivery document. |  | tdtPOrder: Purchase Order document. |  | tdtPDeliv: Purchase Delivery document. |  | tdtProduct: Production document. |
eTransMode: The transaction mode you want to set. The following modes are available: |
 | tmMin: Minimum value. |  | tmBegin: Start the transaction. |  | tmCommit: Commit the transaction, all changes made during the transaction are written to disk. |  | tmRollBack: Rollback of the transaction, all changes made during the transaction are ignored. |  | tmMax: Number of values. |
eTransport: The transport mode you want to use for this Intrastat line. The following modes are available: |
 | trMin: Minimum value. |  | trSea: Sea transport. |  | trTrack: Railway transport. |  | trRoad: Road transport. |  | trAir: Air transport. |  | trPost: Postal consignments. |  | trUnused: Do not use this value. |  | trFixed: Fixed transport installations. |  | trRiver: Inland waterway transport. |  | trOwn: Own propulsion. |  | trMax: Number of values. |
eTrnStat: The transfer status you want to use. The following statuses are available: |
 | tsMin: Minimum value. |  | tsNone: No transfer was done. |  | tsPartial: The transfer was done partially. |  | tsComplete: The transfer was done completely. |  | tsMax: Number of values. |
eTrnType: The transfer type you want to use. The following types are available: |
 | ttMin: Minimum value. |  | ttCustm: Customer transfer. |  | ttSuppl: Supplier transfer. |  | ttFinan: Financial transfer. |  | ttOther: Transfer of accounts of class 'Other'. |  | ttGeneral: General transfer. |  | ttMax: Number of values. |
eTypePerson: The type of person related to the supplier. The following values are available: |
 | etpMin: Minimum value. |  | etpLegal: Legal person. |  | etpPhysical: Physical person. |  | etpMax: Number of values. |
eUpdateMode: The mode you want to use for updating an existing record. The following modes are available: |
 | umMin: Minimum value. |  | umNoReport: The record is updated without showing any user interface, this means that neither the dialog to input data nor errors/warnings are shown. |  | umErrorReport: Only the errors (not the warnings) are reported via the user interface. |  | umFullReport: All errors and/or warnings are reported via the user interface. |  | umDialog: The current data of the record you want to update is displayed in the dialog and there you can modify all the required items. |  | umMax: Number of values. |  | |
 | Remark: User interface is only possible when the parameter bWithUserInterface is set to true in the Logon method. |
eUseEmail: The way in which you want to electronically address a contact. The following types are available: |
 | ueMin: Minimum value. |  | ueNot: Do not send e-mails. |  | ueTo: Send e-mails using the contact as primary recipient. |  | ueCc: Send e-mails using the contact as secondary recipient. |  | ueMax: Number of values. |
eValuation: The valuation mode you want to use for this article. The following modes are available: |
 | vaMin: Minimum value. |  | vaFifo: First in first out. |  | vaLifo: Last in first out. |  | vaAverage: Weighted average. |  | vaMarketValue: Current market value. |  | vaMax: Number of values. |
eVatCalcMethod: The way you want the cash discount to be handled when calculating the VAT base. The following methods are available: |
 | vcmMin: Minimum value. |  | vcmWithFinDiscount: Cash discount is reduced from the VAT base. |  | vcmNoFinDiscount: Cash discount is not reduced from the VAT base. |  | vcmMax: Number of values. |
eVatCode: The VAT code you want to use. The following codes are available: |
 | vcMin: Minimum value. |  | vcTarif0: VAT rate defined in the general parameters. |  | vcTarif1: VAT rate defined in the general parameters. |  | vcTarif2: VAT rate defined in the general parameters. |  | vcTarif3: VAT rate defined in the general parameters. |  | vcTarif4: VAT rate defined in the general parameters. |  | vcTarif5: VAT rate defined in the general parameters. |  | vcExport: VAT rate for import and export. |  | vcFree: VAT rate for exemption. |  | vcContract: VAT rate for contracting partners. |  | vcSpecVat0: Special VAT rate defined in the parameters for the option 'Special regulations'. |  | vcSpecVat1: Special VAT rate defined in the parameters for the option 'Special regulations'. |  | vcSpecVat2: Special VAT rate defined in the parameters for the option 'Special regulations'. |  | vcSpecVat3: Special VAT rate defined in the parameters for the option 'Special regulations'. |  | vcSpecVat4: Special VAT rate defined in the parameters for the option 'Special regulations'. |  | vcMax: Number of values. |
eVatGroup: The VAT group of the general account you want to use. The following groups are available: |
 | vgMin: Minimum value. |  | vgGrpNone: Not applicable. |  | vgGrpGoods: Goods, commodities and auxiliaries. |  | vgGrpServices: Services, miscellaneous goods and others. |  | vgGrpInvest: Capital assets. |  | vgGrpRes: Reserved for future use. |  | vgVatAslDueNorm: Inv - VAT - Due. |  | vgVatAslDueRes: Reserved for future use. |  | vgVatAslDedNorm: Cre - VAT - Return. |  | vgVatAslDedRes: Reserved for future use. |  | vgVatAprDedInvNorm: Inv - VAT - Deductible. |  | vgVatAprDedInvRes: Reserved for future use. |  | vgVatAprDueInvCoPart: Inv - VAT - Due Contracting Partner (CP). |  | vgVatAprDueInvIC: Inv - VAT - Due Intra-Community (IC). |  | vgVatAprDueInvDisp: Inv - VAT - Due Display (DP). |  | vgVatAprDueInvRes: Reserved for future use. |  | vgVatAprDueCreNorm: Cre - VAT - Refund. |  | vgVatAprDueCreRes: Reserved for future use. |  | vgVatAprDedCreNorm: Cre - VAT - Return (CP, IC, DP). |  | vgVatAprDedCreRes: Reserved for future use. |  | vgVatDedOther: Deductible VAT (Bankcharges, import and others). |  | vgVatRevInsuf: Insufficient levies noted by declarant. |  | vgVatRevReturn: Tax refund - except credit notes. |  | vgVatRevDedCor: Revision of deduction - except credit notes. |  | vgVatRevAdmReg: Adjustment due to administrative decision. |  | vgVatAdvance: Paid advances. |  | vgVatCurrent: Current account VAT. |  | vgMax: Number of values. |  | vgNone: No VAT group. |
eVatSystem: The VAT system you want to use. The following systems are available: |
 | vsMin: Minimum value. |  | vsInternalNormal: Interior normal. |  | vsInternalReduced: Interior reduced. |  | vsInternalContract: Interior contracting partner. |  | vsInternalTaxFree: Interior tax-free. |  | vsEec: European Union. |  | vsEecWithVat: European Union + VAT. |  | vsNoEec: Outside European Union. |  | vsNoEecWithVat: Outside European Union + VAT. |  | vsMax: Number of values. |
eWeightUnit: The weight unit you want to use for this article. The following units are available: |
 | wuMin: Minimum value. |  | wuMg: Milligram. |  | wuG: Gram. |  | wuKg: Kilogram. |  | wuT: Ton. |  | wuMax: Number of values. |