Logs on a Venice user in a nonsecure Venice installation. |
void Logon ( BSTR bsCreatedForVenVer, BSTR bsAppName, enum eLanguage eLanguage, VARIANT_BOOL bWithUserInterface, BSTR bsInitials, BSTR bsName, BSTR bsFunction ) |
Parameters | bsCreatedForVenVer | [in] The version of Venice your application is developed for and tested with. This should be a hardcoded or static value, do not dynamically determine the current Venice version to supply this value. | bsAppName | [in] The name of the client application that is using ClSdk. This name is used for display in the conflict dialog in the Venice installation. Try not to use long names/blanks/punctuation marks/... for readability in the conflict dialog! | eLanguage | [in] A value of the 'eLanguage' enumeration. | bWithUserInterface | [in] True if you want the user to have user interface (e.g. dialogs, browses,...) , otherwise false. | bsInitials | [in] The initials of the user you want to log on to Venice. | bsName | [in] The name of the user you want to log on to Venice. | bsFunction | [in] The function of the user you want to log on to Venice. |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
eAccessMode eMode = pVenice->GetAccessMode ();
if (eMode == amNormal)
pVenice->Logon ("13.40_", "AppName", lngNld, VARIANT_TRUE, "MM", "Mark Magritte", "Senior Accountant");
C# |
eAccessMode eMode = oVenice.GetAccessMode ();
if (eMode == eAccessMode.amNormal)
oVenice.Logon ("13.40_", "AppName", eLanguage.lngNld, true, "MM", "Mark Magritte", "Senior Accountant");
Dim eMode
eMode = oVenice.GetAccessMode()
If eMode = amNormal Then
Call oVenice.Logon ("13.40_", "AppName", lngNld, True, "MM", "Mark Magritte", "Senior Accountant")
End If
Dim eMode As eAccessMode
eMode = oVenice.GetAccessMode()
If eMode = eAccessMode.amNormal Then
oVenice.Logon ("13.40_", "AppName", eLanguage.lngNld, True, "MM", "Mark Magritte", "Senior Accountant")
End If