Logs on a Venice user in a secure Venice installation. |
void LogonSecure ( BSTR bsCreatedForVenVer, BSTR bsAppName, enum eLanguage eLanguage, VARIANT_BOOL bWithUserInterface, BSTR bsUserID, BSTR bsPassword ) |
Parameters | bsCreatedForVenVer | [in] The version of Venice your application is developed for and tested with. This should be a hardcoded or static value, do not dynamically determine the current Venice version to supply this value. | bsAppName | [in] The name of the client application that is using ClSdk. This name is used for display in the conflict dialog in the Venice installation. Try not to use long names/blanks/punctuation marks/... for readability in the conflict dialog! | eLanguage | [in] A value of the 'eLanguage' enumeration. | bWithUserInterface | [in] True if you want the user to have user interface (e.g. dialogs, browses,...) , otherwise false. | bsUserID | [in] The identification of the user you want to log on to Venice. This user must be defined in the module 'Users' of your Venice installation and must be granted the necessary rights. | bsPassword | [in] The password of the user you want to log on to Venice. This password was also defined in the module 'Users' of your Venice installation. |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
eAccessMode eMode = pVenice->GetAccessMode ();
if (eMode == amSecure)
pVenice->LogonSecure ("13.40_", "AppName", lngNld, VARIANT_TRUE, "User", "");
C# |
eAccessMode eMode = oVenice.GetAccessMode ();
if (eMode == eAccessMode.amSecure)
oVenice.LogonSecure ("13.40_", "AppName", eLanguage.lngNld, true, "User", "");
Dim eMode
eMode = oVenice.GetAccessMode()
If eMode = amSecure Then
Call oVenice.LogonSecure("13.40_", "AppName", lngNld, True, "User", "")
End If
Dim eMode As eAccessMode
eMode = oVenice.GetAccessMode()
If eMode = eAccessMode.amSecure Then
oVenice.LogonSecure("13.40_", "AppName", eLanguage.lngNld, True, "User", "")
End If