Book properties (Interface: Book)
The available properties for this interface are:
Name Get Set Type English description Dutch description French description
pActive VARIANT_BOOL Active Actief Actif
pBook BSTR Code Code Code
pBookType BYTE Book type Type dagboek Type journal
pConceptInvoices VARIANT_BOOL Concept invoices only Enkel conceptfacturen Uniquement factures brouillon
pCreDate DATE (date) Addition: date Toevoeging: datum Addition: date
pCreTime DATE (time) Addition: time Toevoeging: tijdstip Addition: temps
pCreUsr BSTR Addition: by Toevoeging: door Addition: par
pNameDeu BSTR Name German Naam Duits Nom allemand
pNameEng BSTR Name English Naam Engels Nom anglais
pNameFra BSTR Name French Naam Frans Nom français
pNameNld BSTR Name Dutch Naam Nederlands Nom néerlandais
pPropCre BSTR Entry proposal credit note Boekingsvoorstel creditn. Prop. d'écriture note de crédit
pPropInv BSTR Entry proposal invoice Boekingsvoorstel factuur Prop. d'écriture facture
pPropTrn BSTR Entry proposal transfer Boekingsvoorstel overbr. Prop. d'écriture transfert
pRestrictUse VARIANT_BOOL Restrict use Gebruik beperken Limiter usage
pSyncProtected VARIANT_BOOL Synchronization: protected Synchronisatie: beveiligd Synchronisation: protégé
pSyncReference BSTR Synchronization: reference Synchronisatie: referentie Synchronisation: référence
pSyncStatus BYTE Synchronization: status Synchronisatie: status Synchronisation: état
pSysNum LONG System number Systeemnummer Numéro de système
pTsmId SHORT TSM identification OGM-identificatie Identification VCS
pUpdDate DATE (date) Modification: date Wijziging: datum Modification: date
pUpdTime DATE (time) Modification: time Wijziging: tijdstip Modification: temps
pUpdUsr BSTR Modification: by Wijziging: door Modification: par
pUseCreditnote VARIANT_BOOL Admitted for creditnote Toelaten voor creditnota Admis pour note de credit
pUseInvoice VARIANT_BOOL Admitted for invoice Toelaten voor factuur Admis pour facture
pUseManual VARIANT_BOOL Admitted for manual entries Toelaten voor manuele boeking Admis pour écritures man.
pUserGroups BSTR User groups Gebruikersgroepen Groupes d'utilisateurs
pUseTransfer VARIANT_BOOL Admitted for transfer Toelaten voor overbrenging Admis pour transfert
pUseTsm VARIANT_BOOL Generate TSM numbers OGM-nummers genereren Générer des numéros VCS
vBookTypeCode CHAR Book type code Type dagboek code Type journal code
vBookTypeDsc BSTR Book type descr. Type dagboek omschr. Type journal descr.
vNameCxt BSTR Name language context Naam taal context Nom langue contexte
Properties starting with the character 'p' are the 'real', physical fields of this interface, the ones starting with 'v' are 'virtual' fields. The value of p-fields is written to disk, while the value of v-fields is calculated at run time.
The get accessor of these properties returns a VARIANT.
The set accessor of these properties needs a VARIANT as input.
More detailed information on these properties (type, length,...) can be found in the 'ODBC File Description'-module of your Venice installation. See file 'BOO - Book (Book.btr)'.
The property names that are underlined represent BYTE fields that can have several values. Click on the link to see more information on the possible choices.
Calculation fields are added dynamically and cannot be used as properties. They should be used as described in 'How to use calculation fields?'.
You should consult the module parameters to get the necessary info on these calculation fields.