Formats an account number. |
BSTR FormatNumber ( enum eAccPrefix eAccPrefix, LONG lNumber, BYTE bySubPrefix ) |
Parameters | eAccPrefix | [in] A value of the 'eAccPrefix' enumeration. | lNumber | [in] The number you want to get the general account number of. | bySubPrefix | [in] The subprefix of the number you want to get the general account number of. A value for this parameter is only taken into account if the parameter eAccPrefix has one of the following values: apDeposit, apBank, apPostalCheque or apCash. | | Return value |
A BSTR containing the general account number. |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
// Get the general account number for the customer with number 17 (assuming that the customer prefix account is '400')
CString strCstAcc = pDossier->FormatNumber (apCustm, 17, 0); // result: 400000000017
// Get the general account number for the bank with number 7 and subprefix 3 (assuming that the bank prefix account is '55')
CString strBnkAcc = pDossier->FormatNumber (apBank, 7, 3); // result: 5530007
C# |
// Get the general account number for the customer with number 17 (assuming that the customer prefix account is '400')
string strCstAcc = oDossier.FormatNumber (eAccPrefix.apCustm, 17, 0); // result: 400000000017
// Get the general account number for the bank with number 7 and subprefix 3 (assuming that the bank prefix account is '55')
string strBnkAcc = oDossier.FormatNumber (eAccPrefix.apBank, 7, 3); // result: 5530007
' Get the general account number for the customer with number 17 (assuming that the customer prefix account is '400')
Dim strCstAcc
strCstAcc = oDossier.FormatNumber(apCustm, 17, 0) ' result: 400000000017
' Get the general account number for the bank with number 7 and subprefix 3 (assuming that the bank prefix account is '55')
Dim strBnkAcc
strBnkAcc = oDossier.FormatNumber(apBank, 7, 3) ' result: 5530007
' Get the general account number for the customer with number 17 (assuming that the customer prefix account is '400')
Dim strCstAcc As String
strCstAcc = oDossier.FormatNumber(eAccPrefix.apCustm, 17, 0) ' result: 400000000017
' Get the general account number for the bank with number 7 and subprefix 3 (assuming that the bank prefix account is '55')
Dim strBnkAcc As String
strBnkAcc = oDossier.FormatNumber(eAccPrefix.apBank, 7, 3) ' result: 5530007