Gets the payment information of the document. |
void GetPayInfo ( VARIANT* pvPayDocC, VARIANT* pvDiscountDocC, VARIANT* pvCircCheque, VARIANT* pvGlobalize, VARIANT* pvGroup, VARIANT* pvCommunication, VARIANT* pvBankAccount, VARIANT* pvPayMethod, VARIANT* pvCosts, VARIANT* pvTransactionCode, VARIANT* pvJustification ) |
Parameters | pvPayDocC | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype DOUBLE, containing the amount (in document currency) that has to be payed. | pvDiscountDocC | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype DOUBLE, containing the cash discount amount (in document currency) of the payment. | pvCircCheque | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype BYTE (unsigned char), containing the circular cheque type (eCircCheque-enumeration value) of the payment info. | pvGlobalize | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype VARIANT_BOOL, containing the indication if this payment can be globalized. | pvGroup | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype BSTR, containing the group code of the payment. | pvCommunication | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype BSTR, containing the message to the beneficiary of the payment. | pvBankAccount | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype BSTR, containing the bank account of the beneficiary of the payment. | pvPayMethod | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype BSTR, containing the method of payment. | pvCosts | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype BSTR, containing the costs for the payment. | pvTransactionCode | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype BSTR, containing the transaction code of the payment. | pvJustification | [out] Returns a VARIANT, subtype BSTR, containing the justification of the transaction code of the payment. |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
// Retrieve the payment info of the current document
VARIANT vPayDocC, vDiscountDocC, vCircCheque, vGlobalize, vGroup, vCommunication, vBankAccount, vPayMethod, vCosts, vTransactionCode, vJustification;
pPurch->PrepareDocument (paView);
pPurch->GetPayInfo (&vPayDocC, &vDiscountDocC, &vCircCheque, &vGlobalize, &vGroup, &vCommunication, &vBankAccount, &vPayMethod, &vCosts, &vTransactionCode, &vJustification);
// Process data
pPurch->CancelDocument ();
C# |
// Retrieve the payment info of the current document
object oPayDocC, oDiscountDocC, oCircCheque, oGlobalize, oGroup, oCommunication, oBankAccount, oPayMethod, oCosts, oTransactionCode, oJustification;
oPurch.PrepareDocument (ePrepareAction.paView);
oPurch.GetPayInfo (out oPayDocC, out oDiscountDocC, out oCircCheque, out oGlobalize, out oGroup, out oCommunication, out oBankAccount, out oPayMethod, out oCosts, out oTransactionCode, out oJustification);
// Process data
oPurch.CancelDocument ();
' Retrieve the payment info of the current document
Dim oPayDocC, oDiscountDocC, oCircCheque, oGlobalize, oGroup, oCommunication, oBankAccount, oPayMethod, oCosts, oTransactionCode, oJustification
Call oPurch.PrepareDocument(paView)
Call oPurch.GetPayInfo(oPayDocC, oDiscountDocC, oCircCheque, oGlobalize, oGroup, oCommunication, oBankAccount, oPayMethod, oCosts, oTransactionCode, oJustification)
' Process data
Call oPurch.CancelDocument()
' Retrieve the payment info of the current document
Dim oPayDocC, oDiscountDocC, oCircCheque, oGlobalize, oGroup, oCommunication, oBankAccount, oPayMethod, oCosts, oTransactionCode, oJustification As Object
oPurch.GetPayInfo(oPayDocC, oDiscountDocC, oCircCheque, oGlobalize, oGroup, oCommunication, oBankAccount, oPayMethod, oCosts, oTransactionCode, oJustification)
' Process data