Creates a Venice user. |
VARIANT_BOOL CreateUser ( BSTR bsPasswordCode, BSTR bsLoginName, BSTR bsUserName, BSTR bsWinUserName, BSTR bsUserIni, BSTR bsEmail, BSTR bsFunction, BSTR bsGroups, BOOL bIsAdmin, BOOL bReserved ) |
Parameters | bsPasswordCode | [in] The password for this user account. Supply an empty string if no password is desired. | bsLoginName | [in] The user identification for logging on to Venice. | bsUserName | [in] The display name of the user. | bsWinUserName | [in] The user name of the Windows account to link this Venice user account to. Logging on to Venice will only be possible if the current Windows user matches this name. Supply an empty string if no link to a Windows user account is desired. | bsUserIni | [in] The user initials. | bsEmail | [in] The e-mail address ofo this user. | bsFunction | [in] The function or job title of this user. | bsGroups | [in] The user groups the user belongs to, each user group code separated by a semicolon (;). User group codes that do not exist in Venice are ignored. | bIsAdmin | [in] True if the user is a Venice administrator, otherwise false. | bReserved | [in] True if the user is a reserved user, otherwise false. | | Return value |
True if the user was created, otherwise false. | | Remarks |
 | This member function can only be used if the option 'Access Management' is installed. |
 | The user logged on to the Venice object must be a Venice administrator. |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
pVenice->CreateUser ( "Password", "User", "Full User Name", "WinUser", "USR", "Full.User.Name@server.be", "Junior Accountant", "BaseTools;BaseAcc;Vat", false, false );
C# |
oVenice.CreateUser ( "Password", "User", "Full User Name", "WinUser", "USR", "Full.User.Name@server.be", "Junior Accountant", "BaseTools;BaseAcc;Vat", false, false );
Call oVenice.CreateUser ( "Password", "User", "Full User Name", "WinUser", "USR", "Full.User.Name@server.be", "Junior Accountant", "BaseTools;BaseAcc;Vat", False, False )
oVenice.CreateUser ( "Password", "User", "Full User Name", "WinUser", "USR", "Full.User.Name@server.be", "Junior Accountant", "BaseTools;BaseAcc;Vat", False, False )