Seeks an Entry record by its original document number. |
VARIANT_BOOL SeekByDocNumOrg ( enum eSeekMode eSeekMode, enum eBookType eBookType, BSTR bsBook, SHORT sAccYear, LONG lDocNum ) |
Key information | | This method uses key number 5 (See SwapKey). | | This is a unique key. | | This is a null key, only the records where pBookTypeOrg is not 0 are in the index. |
| | Key segment information | Segment Name | Type | Order | Collation | pBookTypeOrg | BYTE | Ascending | - | pBookOrg | BSTR | Ascending | Case insensitive | pAccYearOrg | SHORT (unsigned) | Ascending | - | pDocNumOrg | LONG (unsigned) | Ascending | - | pLineNumOrg | SHORT (unsigned) | Ascending | - |
| | Parameters | eSeekMode | [in] A value of the 'eSeekMode' enumeration. | eBookType | [in] A value of the 'eBookType' enumeration. | bsBook | [in] The original book code of the purchase/sales document of which you want to seek the Entry record (type sundry) created during transfer. | sAccYear | [in] The original financial year of the purchase/sales document of which you want to seek the Entry record (type sundry) created during transfer. | lDocNum | [in] The original document number of the purchase/sales document of which you want to seek the Entry record (type sundry) created during transfer. | | Return value |
True if the record with the given properties was found, otherwise false. |
See Also |
Samples |
C++ |
// Seek the entry record (type sundry) for the transferred sales document with document number = 12 and book code = 'FAK' of financial year 2024
if (pEntry->SeekByDocNumOrg (smEqual, btSales, "FAK", 2024, 12))
// Process record data
C# |
// Seek the entry record (type sundry) for the transferred sales document with document number = 12 and book code = 'FAK' of financial year 2024
if (oEntry.SeekByDocNumOrg (eSeekMode.smEqual, eBookType.btSales, "FAK", 2024, 12))
// Process record data
' Seek the entry record (type sundry) for the transferred sales document with document number = 12 and book code = 'FAK' of financial year 2024
If oEntry.SeekByDocNumOrg(smEqual, btSales, "FAK", 2024, 12) Then
' Process record data
End If
' Seek the entry record (type sundry) for the transferred sales document with document number = 12 and book code = 'FAK' of financial year 2024
If oEntry.SeekByDocNumOrg(eSeekMode.smEqual, eBookType.btSales, "FAK", 2024, 12) Then
' Process record data
End If